AR-616: EDAR thesis writing workshopThe workshop will equip participants with practical skills necessary to make thesis writing smoother and better organized. Main issues
covered are: getting started, structure and argumentation, time m
CS-423: Distributed information systemsThis course introduces the foundations of information retrieval, data mining and knowledge bases, which constitute the foundations of today's Web-based distributed information systems.
MATH-494: Topics in arithmetic geometryP-adic numbers are a number theoretic analogue of the real numbers, which interpolate between arithmetics, analysis and geometry. In this course we study their basic properties and give various applic
CS-628: Interactive Theorem Proving CSA hands-on introduction to interactive theorem proving, proofs as programs, dependent types, and to the Coq proof assistant. Come learn how to write bug-free code!
AR-301(ac): Studio BA5 (Bosshard et Vaquer)The term sauvegarde is approached holistically from the side of care with the will to assist, protect, and therefore save. Design proposals grow out of the will to understand, looking for an overall c
AR-401(ac): Studio MA1 (Bosshard et Vaquer)The term sauvegarde is approached holistically from the side of care with the will to assist, protect, and therefore save. Design proposals grow out of the will to understand, looking for an overall c
AR-401(t): Studio MA1 (Kueng & Caputo)La Vita è Bella engages with the question of how people appropriate their surroundings in the private and public sphere. How do we adopt and intervene in this world? By means of built interventions, 1
HUM-446: Governing global migration IThis course examines key areas of contemporary migration politics in a historical perspective, such as refugee protection, border security, and regional integration. It also trains students in methods