Doob decomposition theoremIn the theory of stochastic processes in discrete time, a part of the mathematical theory of probability, the Doob decomposition theorem gives a unique decomposition of every adapted and integrable stochastic process as the sum of a martingale and a predictable process (or "drift") starting at zero. The theorem was proved by and is named for Joseph L. Doob. The analogous theorem in the continuous-time case is the Doob–Meyer decomposition theorem. Let be a probability space, I = {0, 1, 2, ...
Mean squared displacementIn statistical mechanics, the mean squared displacement (MSD, also mean square displacement, average squared displacement, or mean square fluctuation) is a measure of the deviation of the position of a particle with respect to a reference position over time. It is the most common measure of the spatial extent of random motion, and can be thought of as measuring the portion of the system "explored" by the random walker.
Martingale representation theoremIn probability theory, the martingale representation theorem states that a random variable that is measurable with respect to the filtration generated by a Brownian motion can be written in terms of an Itô integral with respect to this Brownian motion. The theorem only asserts the existence of the representation and does not help to find it explicitly; it is possible in many cases to determine the form of the representation using Malliavin calculus. Similar theorems also exist for martingales on filtrations induced by jump processes, for example, by Markov chains.
Branching processIn probability theory, a branching process is a type of mathematical object known as a stochastic process, which consists of collections of random variables. The random variables of a stochastic process are indexed by the natural numbers. The original purpose of branching processes was to serve as a mathematical model of a population in which each individual in generation produces some random number of individuals in generation , according, in the simplest case, to a fixed probability distribution that does not vary from individual to individual.
Gilbert–Shannon–Reeds modelIn the mathematics of shuffling playing cards, the Gilbert–Shannon–Reeds model is a probability distribution on riffle shuffle permutations that has been reported to be a good match for experimentally observed outcomes of human shuffling, and that forms the basis for a recommendation that a deck of cards should be riffled seven times in order to thoroughly randomize it. It is named after the work of Edgar Gilbert, Claude Shannon, and J. Reeds, reported in a 1955 technical report by Gilbert and in a 1981 unpublished manuscript of Reeds.
Variance functionIn statistics, the variance function is a smooth function which depicts the variance of a random quantity as a function of its mean. The variance function is a measure of heteroscedasticity and plays a large role in many settings of statistical modelling. It is a main ingredient in the generalized linear model framework and a tool used in non-parametric regression, semiparametric regression and functional data analysis. In parametric modeling, variance functions take on a parametric form and explicitly describe the relationship between the variance and the mean of a random quantity.
Doob martingaleIn the mathematical theory of probability, a Doob martingale (named after Joseph L. Doob, also known as a Levy martingale) is a stochastic process that approximates a given random variable and has the martingale property with respect to the given filtration. It may be thought of as the evolving sequence of best approximations to the random variable based on information accumulated up to a certain time.
Azuma's inequalityIn probability theory, the Azuma–Hoeffding inequality (named after Kazuoki Azuma and Wassily Hoeffding) gives a concentration result for the values of martingales that have bounded differences. Suppose is a martingale (or super-martingale) and almost surely. Then for all positive integers N and all positive reals , And symmetrically (when Xk is a sub-martingale): If X is a martingale, using both inequalities above and applying the union bound allows one to obtain a two-sided bound: The proof shares similar idea of the proof for the general form of Azuma's inequality listed below.
Inverse Gaussian distributionIn probability theory, the inverse Gaussian distribution (also known as the Wald distribution) is a two-parameter family of continuous probability distributions with support on (0,∞). Its probability density function is given by for x > 0, where is the mean and is the shape parameter. The inverse Gaussian distribution has several properties analogous to a Gaussian distribution.
Feynman–Kac formulaThe Feynman–Kac formula, named after Richard Feynman and Mark Kac, establishes a link between parabolic partial differential equations (PDEs) and stochastic processes. In 1947, when Kac and Feynman were both Cornell faculty, Kac attended a presentation of Feynman's and remarked that the two of them were working on the same thing from different directions. The Feynman–Kac formula resulted, which proves rigorously the real case of Feynman's path integrals. The complex case, which occurs when a particle's spin is included, is still an open question.