A landline (land line, land-line, main line, fixed-line, and wireline) is a telephone connection that uses metal wires from the owner's premises sometimes referred to as: "Pots", Twisted pair, telephone line, public switched telephone network or Bell System for transmissions. As landline services are typically provided via a telephone company's central office and are hard-wired it is mainly distinguished from electronic communications to/from (or within) the premiss that provide similar phone services using either: optical fiber (Fiber-to-the-x) or internet (typically known as Broadband or WAN), or computer-network connections (typically known as LAN): such as digital phone or Voice over IP; or mobile cellular network or Wi-Fi, which uses radio waves for transmission. Landline service is typically provided through the outside plant of a telephone company's central office, or wire center. The outside plant comprises tiers of cabling between distribution points in the exchange area, so that a single pair of copper wire, or an optical fiber, reaches each subscriber location, such as a home or office, at the network interface. Customer premises wiring extends from the network interface ("NID") to the location of one or more telephones inside the premises. A subscriber's telephone connected to a landline can be hard-wired or cordless and typically refers to the operation of wireless devices or systems in fixed locations such as homes. Fixed wireless devices usually derive their electrical power from the utility mains electricity, unlike mobile wireless or portable wireless, which tend to be battery-powered. Although mobile and portable systems can be used in fixed locations, efficiency and bandwidth are compromised compared with fixed systems. Mobile or portable, battery-powered wireless systems can be used as emergency backups for fixed systems in case of a power blackout or natural disaster. Other aspects of landline is the ability to carry high-speed internet popularly known as Digital subscriber line (DSL) which links back to the digital subscriber line access multiplexer (DSLAM) within the central office, T-1/T-3, or ISDN.