
Apollonian gasket

In mathematics, an Apollonian gasket or Apollonian net is a fractal generated by starting with a triple of circles, each tangent to the other two, and successively filling in more circles, each tangent to another three. It is named after Greek mathematician Apollonius of Perga. The construction of the Apollonian gasket starts with three circles , , and (black in the figure), that are each tangent to the other two, but that do not have a single point of triple tangency. These circles may be of different sizes to each other, and it is allowed for two to be inside the third, or for all three to be outside each other. As Apollonius discovered, there exist two more circles and (red) that are tangent to all three of the original circles – these are called Apollonian circles. These five circles are separated from each other by six curved triangular regions, each bounded by the arcs from three pairwise-tangent circles. The construction continues by adding six more circles, one in each of these six curved triangles, tangent to its three sides. These in turn create 18 more curved triangles, and the construction continues by again filling these with tangent circles, ad infinitum. Continued stage by stage in this way, the construction adds new circles at stage , giving a total of circles after stages. In the limit, this set of circles is an Apollonian gasket. In it, each pair of tangent circles has an infinite Pappus chain of circles tangent to both circles in the pair. The size of each new circle is determined by Descartes' theorem, which states that, for any four mutually tangent circles, the radii of the circles obeys the equation This equation may have a solution with a negative radius; this means that one of the circles (the one with negative radius) surrounds the other three. One or two of the initial circles of this construction, or the circles resulting from this construction, can degenerate to a straight line, which can be thought of as a circle with infinite radius.
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