ENV-405: Water and wastewater treatmentThis course on water and wastewater treatment shows how to implement and design different methods and techniques to eliminate organic matter, nitrogen and phosporous from wastewater, and how to apply
PHYS-758: Advanced Course on Quantum CommunicationThe aim of this doctoral course by Nicolas Sangouard is to lay the theoretical groundwork that is needed for students to understand how to take advantage of quantum effects for communication technolog
AR-670: Affirming ActionsThe course presents a particular type of architectural firms, established and led by women. Partly a reflection of marginal positions within professional markets, they indicate original directions for
AR-672: Theory or Practice ? Research by designThe seminar focuses on the particular, still little understood, type of research, done "through" design. It debates on its relevance within doctoral studies thanks to the curriculum and experience of
AR-666: Contemporary modernityThe seminar will revisit notions, works, architects, and authors of XXIth century Modernism. It will question the issue of "being contemporary" - matching the characteristics of the era you live. Lear
AR-502: The origins of domestic spaceThe course is part of a three-year trajectory dedicated to a comprehensive history of domestic space and its relationship with urban form. This year the course will be devoted to the origins of domest
BIO-689: Nature, In Code - Biology in JavaScriptNature, In Code teaches basic biological principles - such as natural selection, epidemics, the evolution of cooperation - by implementing those priciples in the programming language JavaScript. The c
ENV-426: Fluvial biogeosciencesStream and river ecosystems are increasingly deteriorated owing to global change and climate change. Students will understand basic physical, chemical and biological processes in streams and rivers, a