CIVIL-510: Quantitative imaging for engineersFirst 2 courses are Tuesday 16-19h!This course will arm students with knowledge of different imaging techniques for practical measurements in many different fields of civil engineering. Modalities wil
AR-219: Advanced CAO and Integrated Modeling DIM1ère année: bases nécessaires à la représentation informatique 2D (3D).
Passage d'un à plusieurs logiciels: compétence de choisir les outils adéquats en 2D et en 3D.
Mise en relation des outils de CAO
ENV-200: Environmental chemistryThis course provides students with an overview over the basics of environmental chemistry. This includes the chemistry of natural systems, as well as the fate of anthropogenic chemicals in natural sys
EE-550: Image and video processingThis course covers fundamental notions in image and video processing, as well as covers most popular tools used, such as edge detection, motion estimation, segmentation, and compression. It is compose
EE-334: Digital systems designStudents will acquire basic knowledge about methodologies and tools for the design, optimization, and verification of custom digital systems/hardware.
They learn how to design synchronous digital cir
MICRO-514: Flexible bioelectronicsThe course is an introduction to the emerging field of flexible (bio)electronics. It provides an overview of the materials and processes used to design and manufacture flexible circuits and sensors.