The linear attenuation coefficient, attenuation coefficient, or narrow-beam attenuation coefficient characterizes how easily a volume of material can be penetrated by a beam of light, sound, particles, or other energy or matter. A coefficient value that is large represents a beam becoming 'attenuated' as it passes through a given medium, while a small value represents that the medium had little effect on loss. The SI unit of attenuation coefficient is the reciprocal metre (m−1). Extinction coefficient is another term for this quantity, often used in meteorology and climatology. Most commonly, the quantity measures the exponential decay of intensity, that is, the value of downward e-folding distance of the original intensity as the energy of the intensity passes through a unit (e.g. one meter) thickness of material, so that an attenuation coefficient of 1 m−1 means that after passing through 1 metre, the radiation will be reduced by a factor of e, and for material with a coefficient of 2 m−1, it will be reduced twice by e, or e2. Other measures may use a different factor than e, such as the decadic attenuation coefficient below. The broad-beam attenuation coefficient counts forward-scattered radiation as transmitted rather than attenuated, and is more applicable to radiation shielding.
The attenuation coefficient describes the extent to which the radiant flux of a beam is reduced as it passes through a specific material. It is used in the context of:
X-rays or gamma rays, where it is denoted μ and measured in cm−1;
neutrons and nuclear reactors, where it is called macroscopic cross section (although actually it is not a section dimensionally speaking), denoted Σ and measured in m−1;
ultrasound attenuation, where it is denoted α and measured in dB⋅cm−1⋅MHz−1;
acoustics for characterizing particle size distribution, where it is denoted α and measured in m−1.
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The most important clinical diagnostic and therapeutic applications of light will be described. In addition, this course will address the principles governing the interactions between light and biolog
The course will deepen the fundamentals of heat transfer. Particular focus will be put on radiative and convective heat transfer, and computational approaches to solve complex, coupled heat transfer p
This course is an introduction to microwaves and microwave passive circuits. A special attention is given to the introduction of the notion of distributed circuits and to the scattering matrix
Learn how principles of basic science are integrated into major biomedical imaging modalities and the different techniques used, such as X-ray computed tomography (CT), ultrasounds and positron emissi
Learn how principles of basic science are integrated into major biomedical imaging modalities and the different techniques used, such as X-ray computed tomography (CT), ultrasounds and positron emissi
In physics, absorption of electromagnetic radiation is how matter (typically electrons bound in atoms) takes up a photon's energy — and so transforms electromagnetic energy into internal energy of the absorber (for example, thermal energy). A notable effect is attenuation, or the gradual reduction of the intensity of light waves as they propagate through a medium. Although the absorption of waves does not usually depend on their intensity (linear absorption), in certain conditions (optics) the medium's transparency changes by a factor that varies as a function of wave intensity, and saturable absorption (or nonlinear absorption) occurs.
In physics, the attenuation length or absorption length is the distance λ into a material when the probability has dropped to 1/e that a particle has not been absorbed. Alternatively, if there is a beam of particles incident on the material, the attenuation length is the distance where the intensity of the beam has dropped to 1/e, or about 63% of the particles have been stopped. Mathematically, the probability of finding a particle at depth x into the material is calculated by the Beer–Lambert law: In general λ is material- and energy-dependent.
In particle physics, the radiation length is a characteristic of a material, related to the energy loss of high energy particles electromagnetically interacting with it. It is defined as the mean length (in cm) into the material at which the energy of an electron is reduced by the factor 1/e. In materials of high atomic number (e.g. tungsten, uranium, plutonium) the electrons of energies >~10 MeV predominantly lose energy by bremsstrahlung, and high-energy photons by pair production.
Explores the Kubelka-Munk theory and diffusion approximation in tissue optics.
Explores analytical and Monte Carlo solutions for radiative heat transfer in isotropically scattering media at radiative equilibrium between gray and diffuse walls.
Explores how electromagnetic waves interact with matter, emphasizing transmission, absorption, and reflection.
Equivalent black carbon (eBC) mass concentration was measured with a commercial aethalometer (model AE33, Magee Scientific, Berkeley, USA). Measurements were performed onboard of the Swedish icebreaker (I/B) Oden from August to September 2018 as part of th ...
EPFL Infoscience2024
The performance of machine learning algorithms is conditioned by the availability of training datasets, which is especially true for the field of nondestructive evaluation. Here we propose one reconfigurable specimen instead of numerous reference specimens ...
Recent experiments performed in JET at high level of plasma heating, in preparation of, and during the DT campaign have shown significant discrepancies between electron temperature measurements by Thomson Scattering (TS) and Electron Cyclotron Emission (EC ...