Galilee (ˈgælɪliː; hagGālīl; al-jalīl) is a region located in northern Israel and southern Lebanon. Galilee traditionally refers to the mountainous part, divided into Upper Galilee (הגליל העליון, ha-galil ha-elyon; الجليل الأعلى, al-jalīl al-aʾlā) and Lower Galilee (גליל תחתון, galil tahton; الجليل الأسفل, al-jalīl al-asfal). Galilee refers to all of the area that is north of the Mount Carmel-Mount Gilboa ridge and south of the east–west section of the Litani River. It extends from the Israeli coastal plain and the shores of the Mediterranean Sea with Acre in the west, to the Jordan Rift Valley to the east; and from the Litani in the north plus a piece bordering on the Golan Heights all the way to Dan at the base of Mount Hermon in the northeast, to Mount Carmel and Mount Gilboa in the south. This definition includes the plains of the Jezreel Valley north of Jenin and the Beth Shean Valley, the valley containing the Sea of Galilee, and the Hula Valley, although it usually does not include Haifa's immediate northern suburbs. By this definition it overlaps with much of the administrative Northern District of Israel and with Southern Lebanon. The region's Hebrew name is גָּלִיל, meaning 'district' or 'circle'. The Hebrew form used in Book of Isaiah (or 8:23 in different Biblical versions) is in the construct state, leading to גְּלִיל הַגּוֹיִם "Galilee of the nations", which refers to gentiles who settled there at the time that the book was written, either by their own volition or as a result of the resettlement policy of the Neo-Assyrian Empire. The borders of Galilee, split into Upper Galilee and Lower Galilee, were described by Josephus in his The Jewish War: Now Phoenicia and Syria encompass about the Galilees, which are two, and called the Upper Galilee and the Lower.