
Semisimple Lie algebra

In mathematics, a Lie algebra is semisimple if it is a direct sum of simple Lie algebras. (A simple Lie algebra is a non-abelian Lie algebra without any non-zero proper ideals). Throughout the article, unless otherwise stated, a Lie algebra is a finite-dimensional Lie algebra over a field of characteristic 0. For such a Lie algebra \mathfrak g, if nonzero, the following conditions are equivalent: *\mathfrak g is semisimple; *the Killing form, κ(x,y) = tr(ad(x)ad(y)), is non-degenerate; *\mathfrak g has no non-zero abelian ideals; *\mathfrak g has no non-zero solvable ideals;
  • the radical (maximal solvable ideal) of \mathfrak g is zero.
Significance The significance of semisimplicity comes firstly from the Levi decomposition, which states that every finite dimensional Lie algebra is the semidirect product of a solvable ideal (its radical) and a semisimple algebra. In particular, there is no nonzero Lie alg
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