Equity risk is "the financial risk involved in holding equity in a particular investment." Equity risk is a type of market risk that applies to investing in shares. The market price of stocks fluctuates all the time, depending on supply and demand. The risk of losing money due to a reduction in the market price of shares is known as equity risk. The measure of risk used in the equity markets is typically the standard deviation of a security's price over a number of periods. The standard deviation will delineate the normal fluctuations one can expect in that particular security above and below the mean, or average. However, since most investors would not consider fluctuations above the average return as "risk," some economists prefer other means of measuring it. Equity risk premium (ERP) is defined as "excess return that an individual stock or the overall stock market provides over a risk-free rate." equity risk premium (ERP)is the difference between the return on a market portfolio or a stock with average market risk and the risk-free rate of return. From this definition, it is clear that the market average equity return is the expected "threshold" for investors to engage in investment activities in the market, and if the current return is lower than the average return, rational investors will abandon it in favor of higher yielding investments. The level of risk is closely proportional to the equity risk premium. The wider the difference between the stock's return and the risk-free rate, and thus the higher the premium, the higher the risk. The equity risk premium can also be used as a portfolio indicator by investors. According to Gaurav Doshi, CEO of IIFL Wealth Portfolio Managers, the bigger the equity risk premium, the more probable investors will shift their portfolios away from bonds and toward equities. In the long term, any investor that takes a bigger risk is rewarded. This excess compensates investors for taking on the relatively higher risk of the equity market.