
Style (form of address)

A style of office or form of address, also called manner of address, is an official or legally recognized form of address for a person or other entity (such as a government or company), and may often be used in conjunction with a personal title. A style, by tradition or law, precedes a reference to a person who holds a post or political office, and is sometimes used to refer to the office itself. An honorific can also be awarded to an individual in a personal capacity. Such styles are particularly associated with monarchies, where they may be used by a wife of an office holder or of a prince of the blood, for the duration of their marriage. They are also almost universally used for presidents in republics and in many countries for members of legislative bodies, higher-ranking judges, and senior constitutional office holders. Leading religious figures also have styles. Traditional forms of address at German-speaking universities: His/Her Magnificence – rector (president) of a university His/Her Notability (Seine Spektabilität; Professors have the privilege to use the Latin Spectabilis) – dean of a faculty Traditional forms of address at Dutch-speaking universities: His/Her Great Honour (Edelgrootachtbare heer/vrouwe) – rector magnificus (president) of a university Highly Learned Sir/Madam (Hooggeleerde heer/vrouwe) – professor or dean of a faculty Well (Noble) Very Learned Sir/Madam (Weledelzeergeleerde heer/vrouwe) – a doctor Well (Noble) Learned Sir/Madam (De weledelgeleerde heer/vrouwe) – a doctorandus Well (Noble) Strictly Sir/Madam (De weledelgestrenge heer/vrouwe) – a master in laws (meester in de rechten) or a university engineer (ingenieur) Traditional forms of address at Italian-speaking universities: Magnificent Rector (magnifico rettore) – rector (president, chancellor) of a university Amplified Headmaster (amplissimo preside) – dean of a faculty (now uncommon) Illustrious/Enlightened Professor (chiarissimo professore) – a full professor His Most Reverend Excellency (abbreviation His Most Rev. Ex.
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