The affective spectrum is a spectrum of affective disorders (mood disorders). It is a grouping of related psychiatric and medical disorders which may accompany bipolar, unipolar, and schizoaffective disorders at statistically higher rates than would normally be expected. These disorders are identified by a common positive response to the same types of pharmacologic treatments. They also aggregate strongly in families and may therefore share common heritable underlying physiologic anomalies. TOC Affective spectrum disorders include: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder Bipolar disorder Body dysmorphic disorder Bulimia nervosa and other eating disorders Dysthymia Generalized anxiety disorder Impulse-control disorders Kleptomania Major depressive disorder Obsessive-compulsive disorder Oppositional defiant disorder Panic disorder Posttraumatic stress disorder Premenstrual dysphoric disorder Social anxiety disorder The following may also be present as co-morbidities for affective mood disorders Chronic pain Intermittent explosive disorder Pathological gambling Personality disorder Pyromania Substance abuse and addiction (includes alcoholism) Trichotillomania Irritable bowel syndrome Fibromyalgia Hypersexuality Migraine Cataplexy Also, there are now studies linking heart disease. Many of the terms above overlap. The American Psychiatric Association's definitions of these terms can be found in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM).
Dimitri Nestor Alice Van De Ville
Lucia-Nieves Garcia de Jalon Oyarzun