The Kaddish (קדיש, 'holy' or 'sanctification'), also transliterated as Qaddish or Qadish, is a hymn praising God that is recited during Jewish prayer services. The central theme of the Kaddish is the magnification and sanctification of God's name. In the liturgy, different versions of the Kaddish are functionally chanted or sung as separators of the different sections of the service. The term Kaddish is often used to refer specifically to "The Mourner's Kaddish," which is chanted as part of the mourning rituals in Judaism in all prayer services, as well as at funerals (other than at the gravesite; see Kaddish acher kevurah "Qaddish after Burial") and memorials; for 11 Hebrew months after the death of a parent; and in some communities for 30 days after the death of a spouse, sibling, or child. When mention is made of "saying Kaddish", this often refers to the rituals of mourning. Mourners recite Kaddish to show that despite the loss they still praise God. Along with the Shema Yisrael and the Amidah, the Kaddish is one of the most important and central elements in the Jewish liturgy. Kaddish is not, traditionally, recited alone. Along with some other prayers, it traditionally can only be recited with a minyan of ten Jews (a minimum quorum of ten adult Jews). The various versions of the Kaddish are: Ḥaṣi Qaddish (חצי קדיש 'Half Kaddish') or Qaddish Lʿela (קדיש לעלא), sometimes called the Reader's Kaddish Qaddish Yatom (קדיש יתום) or Qaddish Yehe Shlama Rabba (קדיש יהא שלמא רבא) literally 'Orphan's Kaddish', although commonly referred to as Qaddish Avelim (קדיש אבלים), the 'Mourner's Kaddish' Qaddish Shalem (קדיש שלם) or Qaddish Titkabbal (קדיש תתקבל) literally "Complete Kaddish" or "Whole Kaddish" Qaddish de Rabbanan (קדיש דרבנן 'Kaddish of the Rabbis') or Qaddish ʿal Yisraʾel (קדיש על ישראל) Qaddish aḥar Haqqvura (קדיש אחר הקבורה) literally 'Kaddish after a Burial', also called Kaddish d'Ithadata (קדיש דאתחדתא) after one of the first distinguishing words in this variant Qaddish aḥar Hashlamat Masechet (קדיש אחר השלמת מסכת) literally, 'Kaddish after the completion of a tractate', i.