In mathematics, an orthogonal array (more specifically, a fixed-level orthogonal array) is a "table" (array) whose entries come from a fixed finite set of symbols (for example, {1,2,...,v}), arranged in such a way that there is an integer t so that for every selection of t columns of the table, all ordered t-tuples of the symbols, formed by taking the entries in each row restricted to these columns, appear the same number of times. The number t is called the strength of the orthogonal array. Here are two examples: The example at left is that of an orthogonal array with symbol set {1,2} and strength 2. Notice that the four ordered pairs (2-tuples) formed by the rows restricted to the first and third columns, namely (1,1), (2,1), (1,2) and (2,2), are all the possible ordered pairs of the two element set and each appears exactly once. The second and third columns would give, (1,1), (2,1), (2,2) and (1,2); again, all possible ordered pairs each appearing once. The same statement would hold had the first and second columns been used. This is thus an orthogonal array of strength two. In the example on the right, the rows restricted to the first three columns contain the 8 possible ordered triples consisting of 0's and 1's, each appearing once. The same holds for any other choice of three columns. Thus this is an orthogonal array of strength 3. A mixed-level orthogonal array is one in which each column may have a different number of symbols. An example is given below. Orthogonal arrays generalize, in a tabular form, the idea of mutually orthogonal Latin squares. These arrays have many connections to other combinatorial designs and have applications in the statistical design of experiments, coding theory, cryptography and various types of software testing. For t ≤ k, an orthogonal array of type (N, k, v, t) – an OA(N, k, v, t) for short – is an N × k array whose entries are chosen from a set X with v points (a v-set) such that in every subset of t columns of the array, every t-tuple of points of X is repeated the same number of times.
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