Lycos, Inc., is a web search engine and web portal established in 1994, spun out of Carnegie Mellon University. Lycos also encompasses a network of email, web hosting, social networking, and entertainment websites. The company is based in Waltham, Massachusetts, and is a subsidiary of Ybrant Digital.
The word "Lycos" is short for "Lycosidae", which is Latin for "wolf spider".
Lycos is a university spin-off that began in May 1994 as a research project by Michael Loren Mauldin of Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. Lycos Inc. was formed with approximately US2millioninventurecapitalfundingfromCMGI.BobDavisbecametheCEOandfirstemployeeofthenewcompanyin1995,andconcentratedonbuildingthecompanyintoanadvertising−supportedwebportal,ledbyBillTownsend,whoservedasVicePresident,Advertising.Lycosenjoyedseveralyearsofgrowthduringthe1990sandbecamethemostvisitedonlinedestinationintheworldin1999,withaglobalpresenceinmorethan40countries.InApril1996,thecompanycompletedthefastestinitialpublicofferingfrominceptiontoofferinginNASDAQ(LCOS)history,endingitsfirstdaywithamarketvalueof300 million. It also became the first search engine to go public, before its big rivals Yahoo! and Excite. Lycos started offering e-mail services in October 1997, the same year it became one of the first profitable Internet businesses in the world. In 1998, Lycos acquired for $58 million in an attempt to "break into the portal market".
Lycos Europe was a joint venture between Lycos and the Bertelsmann transnational media corporation, but it has always been a distinct corporate entity. Although Lycos Europe remains the largest of Lycos's overseas ventures, several other Lycos subsidiaries also entered into joint venture agreements including Lycos Canada, Lycos Korea and Lycos Asia.
Lycos was one of the most popular websites on the internet, ranking 8th in 1997, and peaking at 4th in both 1999 and 2001.