CIVIL-210: Fluids mechanics (For GC)Ce cours est une première introduction à la mécanique des fluides. On aborde tout d'abord les propriétés physiques des fluides et quelques principes fondamentaux de la physique, dont ceux de conservat
COM-308: Internet analyticsInternet analytics is the collection, modeling, and analysis of user data in large-scale online services, such as social networking, e-commerce, search, and advertisement. This class explores a number
CS-444: Virtual realityThe goal of VR is to embed the users in a potentially complex virtual environment while ensuring that they are able to react as if this environment were real. The course provides a human perception-ac
PHYS-467: Machine learning for physicistsMachine learning and data analysis are becoming increasingly central in sciences including physics. In this course, fundamental principles and methods of machine learning will be introduced and practi
ME-523: Nonlinear Control SystemsLes systèmes non linéaires sont analysés en vue d'établir des lois de commande. On présente la stabilité au sens de Lyapunov, ainsi que des méthodes de commande géométrique (linéarisation exacte). Div