Geocomputation (sometimes GeoComputation) is a field of study at the intersection of geography and computation.
Openshaw, S., and R. J. Abrahart. (1996). “Geocomputation.” In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on GeoComputation, 665–6, edited by R. J. Abrahart. Leeds, U.K.: University of Leeds
Longley, P. A., S. M. Brooks, R. McDonnell, and W. D. Macmillan. (1998). Geocomputation: A Primer. Chichester, U.K.: John Wiley & Sons
Gahegan, M. (1999). “Guest Editorial: What is Geocomputation?” Transactions in GIS 3(3), 203–6.
Brunsdon, C., and A. D. Singleton. (2015). Geocomputation: A Practical Primer. London: Sage
Harris, R., D. O’Sullivan, M. Gahegan, M. Charlton, L. Comber, P. Longley, C. Brunsdon, N. Malleson, A. Heppenstall, A. Singleton, D. Arribas-Bel, and A. Evans. (2017). “More Bark than Bytes? Reflections on 21+ Years of Geocomputation.” Environment and Planning B 44(4), 598–617.