Ulmus laevis Pall., variously known as the European white elm, fluttering elm, spreading elm, stately elm and, in the United States, the Russian elm, is a large deciduous tree native to Europe, from France northeast to southern Finland, east beyond the Urals into Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan, and southeast to Bulgaria and the Crimea; there are also disjunct populations in the Caucasus and Spain, the latter now considered a relict population rather than an introduction by man, and possibly the origin of the European population. U. laevis is rare in the UK, although its random distribution, together with the absence of any record of its introduction, has led at least one British authority to consider it native. NB: The epithet 'white' elm commonly used by British foresters alluded to the timber of the wych elm. The species was first identified, as Ulmus laevis, by Pallas, in his Flora Rossica published in 1784. The tree is allogamous and is most closely related to the American elm U. americana. Endemic to alluvial forest, U. laevis is rarely encountered at elevations above 400 m. Most commonly found along rivers such as the Volga and Danube, it is one of very few elms tolerant of prolonged waterlogged, anoxic ground conditions. The species is threatened by habitat destruction and disturbance in some countries, notably Spain. Flood control schemes are particularly harmful, as seed dispersion is reliant on floods, while abstraction from aquifers lowering ground water levels has compromised the development of the trees. Although not possessed of an innate genetic resistance to Dutch elm disease, the species is rarely infected in western Europe. Ulmus laevis is similar in stature to the wych elm, if rather less symmetric, with a looser, untidy, branch structure and less neatly rounded crown. The tree typically reaches a height and breadth of > 30 m, with a trunk < 2 m d.b.h. The extensive shallow root system ultimately forms distinctive high buttresses around the base of the trunk.
Guilhem Maurice Louis Banc-Prandi, Sanjeev Kumar, Michele Saba
Olivier Sauter, Ambrogio Fasoli, Basil Duval, Stefano Coda, Jonathan Graves, Yves Martin, Duccio Testa, Patrick Blanchard, Alessandro Pau, Cristian Sommariva, Henri Weisen, Richard Pitts, Yann Camenen, Jan Horacek, Javier García Hernández, Marco Wischmeier, Nicola Vianello, Mikhail Maslov, Federico Nespoli, Yao Zhou, David Pfefferlé, Davide Galassi, Antonio José Pereira de Figueiredo, Jonathan Marc Philippe Faustin, Liang Yao, Dalziel Joseph Wilson, Hamish William Patten, Samuel Lanthaler, Bernhard Sieglin, Otto Asunta
Olivier Sauter, Basil Duval, Stefano Coda, Timothy Goodman, Yves Martin, Jean-Marc Moret, Duccio Testa, Patrick Blanchard, Holger Reimerdes, Benoît Labit, Christian Gabriel Theiler, Alessandro Pau, Federico Alberto Alfredo Felici, Cristian Sommariva, Laurie Porte, Alexander Karpushov, Marc Gruber, Antoine Pierre Emmanuel Alexis Merle, Joan Decker, Umar Sheikh, Cristian Galperti, Yanis Andrebe, Richard Pitts, Yann Camenen, Jan Horacek, Roland Behn, Javier García Hernández, Marco Wischmeier, Nicola Vianello, Federico Nespoli, Antonio José Pereira de Figueiredo, Emiliano Fable, Ben McMillan, Cedric Kar-Wai Tsui, Doohyun Kim, Kevin Henricus Annemarie Verhaegh, Wouter Vijvers, Anna Teplukhina, Zhouji Huang, Dávid Wágner, Claudio Marini, Thomas Binderup Jensen, Hoang Bao Le, Himank Anand, Attila Bencze, Heinz Mueller, Donghyun Kim, Bernhard Sieglin, Gergely Papp, Giovanni Tardini