CH-250: Mathematical methods in chemistryThis course consists of two parts. The first part covers basic concepts of molecular symmetry and the application of group theory to describe it. The second part introduces Laplace transforms and Four
ENG-436: Food biotechnologyThe course will deliver basic knowledge on the principles of food fermentation and enzyme technology. The course will also present benefits that food biotechnology can bring in terms of Nutrition & He
CS-452: Foundations of softwareThe course introduces the foundations on which programs and programming languages are built. It introduces syntax, types and semantics as building blocks that together define the properties of a progr
FIN-406: MacrofinanceThis course provides students with a working knowledge of macroeconomic models that explicitly incorporate financial markets. The goal is to develop a broad and analytical framework for analyzing the
CS-320: Computer language processingWe teach the fundamental aspects of analyzing and interpreting computer languages, including the techniques to build compilers. You will build a working compiler from an elegant functional language in
CIVIL-312: Hydraulic structures and schemesLes aménagements hydrauliques sont indispensable pour garantir l'approvisionnement en énergie écophile et renouvelable, de même que l'approvisionnement en eau de bonne qualité et en quantité suffisant
ME-104: Introduction to structural mechanicsThe student will acquire the basis for the analysis of static structures and deformation of simple structural elements. The focus is given to problem-solving skills in the context of engineering desig
CIVIL-414: Design of precast concrete structuresThe course deals with the design of precast reinforced concrete structures, both for bridges and for buildings.
The course is focused in learning by projects supplemented by some lectures by the teac