Collective intelligence (CI) is shared or group intelligence (GI) that emerges from the collaboration, collective efforts, and competition of many individuals and appears in consensus decision making. The term appears in sociobiology, political science and in context of mass peer review and crowdsourcing applications. It may involve consensus, social capital and formalisms such as voting systems, social media and other means of quantifying mass activity. Collective IQ is a measure of collective intelligence, although it is often used interchangeably with the term collective intelligence. Collective intelligence has also been attributed to bacteria and animals.
It can be understood as an emergent property from the synergies among:
individuals (those with new insights as well as recognized authorities) that continually learns from feedback to produce just-in-time knowledge for better decisions than these three elements acting alone
Or it can be more narrowly understood as an emergent property between people and ways of processing information. This notion of collective intelligence is referred to as "symbiotic intelligence" by Norman Lee Johnson. The concept is used in sociology, business, computer science and mass communications: it also appears in science fiction. Pierre Lévy defines collective intelligence as, "It is a form of universally distributed intelligence, constantly enhanced, coordinated in real time, and resulting in the effective mobilization of skills. I'll add the following indispensable characteristic to this definition: The basis and goal of collective intelligence is mutual recognition and enrichment of individuals rather than the cult of fetishized or hypostatized communities." According to researchers Pierre Lévy and Derrick de Kerckhove, it refers to capacity of networked ICTs (Information communication technologies) to enhance the collective pool of social knowledge by simultaneously expanding the extent of human interactions.
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Collective consciousness, collective conscience, or collective conscious (conscience collective) is the set of shared beliefs, ideas, and moral attitudes which operate as a unifying force within society. In general, it does not refer to the specifically moral conscience, but to a shared understanding of social norms. The modern concept of what can be considered collective consciousness includes solidarity attitudes, memes, extreme behaviors like group-think and herd behavior, and collectively shared experiences during collective rituals and dance parties.
Distributed cognition is an approach to cognitive science research that was developed by cognitive anthropologist Edwin Hutchins during the 1990s. From cognitive ethnography, Hutchins argues that mental representations, which classical cognitive science held that are within the individual brain, are actually distributed in sociocultural systems that constitute the tools to think and perceive the world.
Collaborative intelligence characterizes multi-agent, distributed systems where each agent, human or machine, is autonomously contributing to a problem solving network. Collaborative autonomy of organisms in their ecosystems makes evolution possible. Natural ecosystems, where each organism's unique signature is derived from its genetics, circumstances, behavior and position in its ecosystem, offer principles for design of next generation social networks to support collaborative intelligence, crowdsourcing individual expertise, preferences, and unique contributions in a problem solving process.
On propose dans ce MOOC de se former à et avec Thymio :
apprendre à programmer le robot Thymio et ce faisant, s’initier
à l'informatique et la robotique.
In diesem Kurs handelt es sich um das Verständnis der grundlegenden Mechanismen eines Roboters wie Thymio, seiner Programmierung mit verschiedenen Sprachen und seiner Verwendung im Unterricht mit den
In diesem Kurs handelt es sich um das Verständnis der grundlegenden Mechanismen eines Roboters wie Thymio, seiner Programmierung mit verschiedenen Sprachen und seiner Verwendung im Unterricht mit den
Le cours présente les enjeux mondiaux actuels liés à la communication instantanée et aux médias sociaux. L'approche interdisciplinaire intègre les SHS et les sciences de l'ingénieur et initie au trava
Ce cours vient à comprendre et à décortiquer la fabrique du territoire, en y appliquant une approche systémique. Il questionne tour à tour les différents pilotes potentiels de la fabrique territoriale
Fiction is one of the laboratories that architecture uses for its tests. This should not come as a surprise, since architecture has always been a "science of fiction". The studio holds by elii [archit
This paper considers the multi-agent linear least-squares problem in a server-agent network architecture. The system comprises multiple agents, each with a set of local data points. The agents are con
L'architecte est pris au piège dans son système de pensées d'expert. Dès lors, le travail vise à introduire des outils conviviaux au workflow architectural pour faciliter l'intervention et la discussi
This article considers solving an overdetermined system of linear equations in peer-to-peer multiagent networks. The network is assumed to be synchronous and strongly connected. Each agent has a set o