MSE-477: NanomaterialsThis course is an introduction to the concepts and associated relevant physics and materials science principles of what makes inorganic nanomaterials outperform their bulk counterparts. It covers thei
MICRO-530: NanotechnologyThis course gives the basics for understanding nanotechnology from an engineer's perspective: physical background, materials aspects and scaling laws, fabrication and imaging of nanoscale devices.
MICRO-470: Scaling laws in micro & nanosystemsThis class adresses scaling laws in MEMS/NEMS. The dominant physical effects and scaling effects when downsizing sensors and actuators in microsystems are discussed, across a broad range of actuation
MSE-489: Biomaterials (for SV)The course introduces the main classes of biomaterials used in the biomedical field. The interactions with biological environment are discussed and challenges highlighted. State of the art examples pe
MICRO-501: MEMS practicals IObjective of this practical is to apply in specific experimental settings the knowledge acquired in various MEMS related class
EE-517: Bio-nano-chip designIntroduction to heterogeneous integration for Nano-Bio-CMOS sensors on Chip.
Understanding and designing of active Bio/CMOS interfaces powered by nanostructures.
MICRO-632: Advanced micro-/nano- manufacturingThis course contains lectures covering the latest research and development done in the field of micro-/nano- manufacturing methods and processes.
It consists on an intensive 5 days training and is d