A biocide is defined in the European legislation as a chemical substance or microorganism intended to destroy, deter, render harmless, or exert a controlling effect on any harmful organism. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) uses a slightly different definition for biocides as "a diverse group of poisonous substances including preservatives, insecticides, disinfectants, and pesticides used for the control of organisms that are harmful to human or animal health or that cause damage to natural or manufactured products". When compared, the two definitions roughly imply the same, although the US EPA definition includes plant protection products and some veterinary medicines. The terms "biocides" and "pesticides" are regularly interchanged, and often confused with "plant protection products". To clarify this, pesticides include both biocides and plant protection products, where the former refers to substances for non-food and feed purposes and the latter refers to substances for food and feed purposes. When discussing biocides a distinction should be made between the biocidal active substance and the biocidal product. The biocidal active substances are mostly chemical compounds, but can also be microorganisms (e.g. bacteria). Biocidal products contain one or more biocidal active substances and may contain other non-active co-formulants that ensure the effectiveness as well as the desired pH, viscosity, colour, odour, etc. of the final product. Biocidal products are available on the market for use by professional and/or non-professional consumers. Although most of the biocidal active substances have a relative high toxicity, there are also examples of active substances with low toxicity, such as , which exhibit their biocidal activity only under certain specific conditions such as in closed systems. In such cases, the biocidal product is the combination of the active substance and the device that ensures the intended biocidal activity, i.e. suffocation of rodents by in a closed system trap.
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The concern for the presence of micropollutants in surface waters is nowadays increasing. Among them, biocides leached from façades have demonstrated to be particularly ecotoxic. This study deals with these chemicals from a new viewpoint. Instead of analyzing biocides wash-off at wall scale, as done so far, we present a mathematical framework to compute their release and transport at basin scale. The approach adopted firstly requires the development of a hydrodynamic model, accounting for “flashy" response of impervious surfaces. Secondarily, a nonpoint solute transport model is constructed and integrated into the hydrologic model, through the approximation of stirred reactor. Finally, a façade leaching model is upscaled and coupled to the hydrologic pollution model, in order to provide it with biocides flowrates in response to rainfall forcing. The integrated model is applied to two meso- scale urban hydrosystems in western Switzerland, the Lausanne sewer catchment and the overlapping Vuach ere river basin. Results obtained display that concentrations of studied biocides (Terbutryn, Carbendazim, Diuron) almost never exceeds the PNEC for the riverine system. Simulations also show that yearly load arriving to Geneva Lake from the two catchments is about 1600 g for each pollutant. The proposed framework indicates that, despite heterogeneities, a dynamic yet computationally “light" and parsimonious approach can be successfully employed to simulate the hydrograph and chemograph response of engineered hydrosystems. The model developed turned out to be a valuable and flexible tool for assessing impact of biocides on aquatic ecosystems and to optimize downstream protection strategies.

Origines et flux de biocides et de filtres UV dans les stations d'épuration des eaux usées

Cécile Plagellat

Adverse effects on the environment have become a matter of increasing concern considering the increase of industrialization and of the amount of commercialized chemicals. At present, approximately 100'000 substances are on the market, 3000 are sold at high volumes. In Europe, 200 to 300 new substances are authorized every year (in Switzerland, approximately 50). Contamination is induced by consumption of numerous products frequently applied by private or professional users. Persistence and ecotoxicity of certain organic compounds contained in these products might have impacts on the quality of our environment. Knowledge on potential sources of these substances is the first step in order to limit their release. The project developed within the present PhD thesis aims at determining the sources of certain compounds by applying material flux analysis on the basis of sewage sludge. Presently, a large number of anthropogenic organic compounds originating from private households, craft industry, industry and stormwater is disposed of into the collector system and ends up in sewage sludge. Carbendazim, diuron, Irgarol 1051®, octhilinone, permethrin, tributyltin (TBT) and triphenyltin (TPT) comprise numerous applications as biocides and pesticides whilst methylbenzylidene camphor (4-MBC), octyl methoxy cinnamate (OMC), octocrylene (OC) and octyl triazone (OT) are used as UV-screens (type UVB) in a large number of cosmetic products. Their toxic effects on non-target organisms and their potential for bioaccumulation give rise to environmental concern. These substances are used as ingredients in products of daily use and are disposed of into wastewater. Due to their physico-chemical properties they are more or less lipophilic and are likely to persist in sewage sludge. On the basis of the analysis of sewage sludge samples from well characterized sites (catchments and wastewater treatment plants, WWTPs) it is possible to determine the sources (private households, craft industry, industry and stormwater). The first step of this study was the development of analytical methods which allow for quantification of these compounds in sewage sludge. Due to their different physico-chemical properties, four different methods were required. These methods have recovery rates ranging between 75 and 106 % and limits of detection in the order of μg/kg dry matter. The analysis of sludge from 12 sites obtained within 2 sampling periods show that most of the substances are present in all samples. Mean concentrations were 6,8 μg/kg dm (dry matter) for carbendazim, 9,5 μg/ kg d.m. for diuron, 98,1 μg/kg d.m. for permethrin, 148 μg/kg d.m. for TBT, 1777 μg/kg d.m.for 4-MBC, 110 μg/kg d.m. for OMC, 4834 μg/kg d.m. for OC and 5517 μg/kg d.m. for OT. Octhilinone was not detected whilst Irgarol 1051® and TPT were found in 7 and 11 samples, respectively. The transfer of these compounds from wastewater into sludge is an important parameter for material flux analysis on the basis of sewage sludge. A study on the fate of carbendazime and permethrin during wastewater treatment has been carried out on two WWTPs. Whilst removal of permethrin was high (>94%) up to 70% of carbendazime present in sewage were found in treatment plant effluents. Adsorption is an important process for removal of permethrin. However, only 4 to 15 % of the load in wastewater was transferred to sewage sludge. Carbendazim is mainly associated to the aqueous phase and thus, a very small quantity ends up in sludge (approximately 1%). Therefore, the loads found in sewage sludge are more or less representative for consumption of the compounds in the catchments according to their physico-chemical properties. Additionally, it has been shown that the part of permethrine ending up in sludge depends on the treatment techniques of the WWTPs. Thus, for comparison of the pollutant loads in sewage sludge between different sites their fate in the WWTPs has to be known. The loads per inhabitant of the three well characterized types of sites have been calculated in order to determine the sources of the substances. Type A comprises sites with a separate sewer system and a catchment where mainly private households are present. Type B has a combined sewer system collecting sewage from private households, craft industry and stormwater whilst type C comprises a combined sewer system which includes effluents from private households and industry as well as stormwater. The results are as follows: Stromwater is considered as main source of carbendazim in wastewater whilst diuron originates mainly from stormwater and from industrial effluents. Private households contribute significantly to the loads of permethrine and TBT in sewage. For UV-screens the loads from private households are also important but stormwater and industrial effluents are likely to be potential sources as well. A difference in consumption between rural (type A) and more urban sites (type B and C) is possible which might hamper a proper estimate of the sources of UV-screens.
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