MSE-440: Composites technologyThe latest developments in processing and the novel generations of organic composites are discussed.
Nanocomposites, adaptive composites and biocomposites are presented. Product development, cost anal
MSE-234: Mechanical behaviour of materialsCe cours est une introduction au comportement mécanique, à l'élaboration, à la structure et au cycle de vie des grandes classes de matériaux de structure (métaux, polymères, céramiques et composites)
MSE-667: CCMX Tribology and Surfaces InteractionsThis course is intended to give to the participants (graduates, researchers and industrial professionals) a solid background in tribology and surface interactions. It covers the fundamentals concepts
MSE-340: Polymer composites + Laboratory WorkLes propriétés mécaniques et physiques des composites anisotropes ainsi que leurs outils de calcul sont présentés. Les constituants, les mises en oeuvre et les relations microstructure-procédé-proprié
MSE-464: Assembly techniquesIntroduction to the assembly of materials by homogeneous or heterogeneous joints (welding, bonding, mechanical assembly). Mechanical and environmental resistance of joints.
ME-451: Advanced energeticsMethods for the rational use and conversion of energy in industrial processes : how to analyse the energy usage, calculate the heat recovery by pinch analysis, define heat exchanger network, integrate
MSE-326: Ceramic and colloidal processingThe course covers the production of ceramics and colloids from the basic scientific concepts and theories needed to understand the forming processes to the mechanisms and methods of sintering (firing)