Isabella Di LenardoPh.D. in Theories and Art History. Isabella di Lenardo is senior scientist in Digital Humanities and Urban History. Her research activity is focused on digital tools and methods applied to Urban History. She is an expert in ancient cartography, city representations, cadastral sources interpreted through digital modeling, extraction and analysis systems.She's also interested in network analysis questioning the production and circulation of artistic and architectural knowledge in Europe XVIth – XVIIIth centuries in particular on North-South relationships and influences. The development of collaboration projects with European institutions and the activity carried out on various initiatives supported by the European Commission have allowed her to acquire specialism in the field of science applied to heritage, developing in particular specific skills for the enhancement of Cultural Heritage through digital tools. She leads projects in collaboration with Bibliothèque national de France (Paris), Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art (Paris), Ecole nationale des chartes (Paris), Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, Centre Allemand d’Histoire de l’Art (Paris), Musée du Louvre, Archives Nationales de Paris, Bibliothèque Historique de la Ville de Paris, Réunion des Musées Nationaux. She supervised all the urban modeling simulations for the Venice Time Machine project and acted as content curator for all the exhibitions (Venice Biennale, Grand Palais-Paris, Datasquare - ArtLab-Lausanne, Museo Correr-Venice). She was Head of “Replica” project : digitizing 1 million photos of artworks in the Fondazione Giorgio Cini (Venice) and visual patterns extraction through a search engine for visual similarities. She has a Ph.D in Art History and also studied Archaeology and Urban Studies. She has published essays and articles about Venetian Art and Urban History and participated in many Art exhibitions in European museums. She coordinated summer schools and workshops about Digital Tools for Art History and Urban History. She attended conferences on digital methods for History in universities and patrimonial institutions.
Sophie LufkinFORMATION
2010 - Thèse de doctorat au sein de l'EDAR (Ecole doctorale Architecture, Ville, Histoire) sur la densification des friches ferroviaires, co-dirigée par les Prof. Inès Lamunière et Vincent Kaufmann
2005 - "Master of Art" en architecture, sous la direction des Prof. Patrick BERGER et Inès LAMUNIERE
2003 - Année d'échange à l'ETHZ
1999 - Entrée à l'EPFL, section architecture
1998 - Maturité type B, Collège Claparède, Genève
2010 - Architecte, Cheffe de projet chez LAR - Fernando Romero, México
2006 - Assistante de recherche à lEPFL au Laboratoire darchitecture et mobilité urbaine (LAMU), projet de recherche PNR54 "Densification des friches ferroviaires"
2005 - Architecte chez Devanthéry & Lamunière, Genève
2004 - Stage darchitecture, Eric Maria, Genève
2003 - Stage darchitecture, Sumi & Burkhalter, Zurich
2001 - Stage darchitecture, Devanthéry & Lamunière, Genève
2001 - Prix SIA Vaudoise pour le projet "Fondation Ella Maillart à Chandolin"
2005 - Prix de l'Association des diplômes A3-EPFL
2008 - Bourse Erna Hamburger
Français (maternelle), allemand et anglais (courantes), portugais (notions)