MICRO-428: MetrologyThe course deals with the concept of measuring in different domains, particularly in the electrical, optical, and microscale domains. The course will end with a perspective on quantum measurements, wh
CS-341: Computer graphicsThe students study and apply fundamental concepts and algorithms of computer graphics for rendering, geometry
synthesis, and animation. They design and implement their own interactive graphics program
EE-805: Fundamentals of Image AnalysisThis summer school is an hands-on introduction on the fundamentals of image analysis for scientists. A series of lectures provide students with the key concepts in the field, and are followed by pract
HUM-337: Media and societyCe cours explore l'histoire des superhéros dans le but de sensibiliser les étudiants sur les processus de construction et d'autonomisation des phénomènes culturels au sein de la sphère médiatique. Il
PHYS-452: Radiation detectionThe course presents the detection of ionizing radiation in the keV and MeV energy ranges. Physical processes of radiation/matter interaction are introduced. All steps of detection are covered, as well
EE-550: Image and video processingThis course covers fundamental notions in image and video processing, as well as covers most popular tools used, such as edge detection, motion estimation, segmentation, and compression. It is compose
MICRO-523: Optical detectorsStudents analyse the fundamental characteristics of optical detectors, their architectures, selected applications and case studies. Photoemissive devices, photodiodes, infrared sensors and single-phot
CIVIL-510: Quantitative imaging for engineersFirst 2 courses are Tuesday 16-19h!This course will arm students with knowledge of different imaging techniques for practical measurements in many different fields of civil engineering. Modalities wil
CS-442: Computer visionComputer Vision aims at modeling the world from digital images acquired using video or infrared cameras, and other imaging sensors.
We will focus on images acquired using digital cameras. We will int