MATH-487: Topics in stochastic analysisThis course offers an introduction to topics in stochastic analysis, oriented about theory of multi-scale stochastic dynamics. We shall learn the fundamental ideas, relevant techniques, and in general
AR-219: Advanced CAO and Integrated Modeling DIM1ère année: bases nécessaires à la représentation informatique 2D (3D).
Passage d'un à plusieurs logiciels: compétence de choisir les outils adéquats en 2D et en 3D.
Mise en relation des outils de CAO
CS-308: Introduction to quantum computationThe course introduces the paradigm of quantum computation in an axiomatic way. We introduce the notion of quantum bit, gates, circuits and we treat the most important quantum algorithms. We also touch
MATH-479: Linear algebraic groupsThe aim of the course is to give an introduction to linear algebraic groups and to give an insight into a beautiful subject that combines algebraic geometry with group theory.