Related publications (29)

A Unified Discretization Approach to Compute–Forward: From Discrete to Continuous Inputs

Michael Christoph Gastpar, Sung Hoon Lim, Adriano Pastore, Chen Feng

Compute–forward is a coding technique that enables receiver(s) in a network to directly decode one or more linear combinations of the transmitted codewords. Initial efforts focused on Gaussian channels and derived achievable rate regions via nested lattice ...

Recursive Projection-Aggregation Decoding of Reed-Muller Codes

Emmanuel Abbé, Min Ye

We propose a new class of efficient decoding algorithms for Reed-Muller (RM) codes over binary-input memoryless channels. The algorithms are based on projecting the code on its cosets, recursively decoding the projected codes (which are lower-order RM code ...

Testing for Equivalence of Network Distribution Using Subgraph Counts

We consider that a network is an observation, and a collection of observed networks forms a sample. In this setting, we provide methods to test whether all observations in a network sample are drawn from a specified model. We achieve this by deriving the j ...

Towards an Algebraic Network Information Theory: Distributed Lossy Computation of Linear Functions

Michael Christoph Gastpar, Sung Hoon Lim, Adriano Pastore, Chen Feng

Consider the important special case of the K-user distributed source coding problem where the decoder only wishes to recover one or more linear combinations of the sources. The work of Körner and Marton demonstrated that, in some cases, the optimal rate re ...

A Tight Lower Bound for Entropy Flattening

Mika Tapani Göös, Jiapeng Zhang

We study entropy flattening: Given a circuit C_X implicitly describing an n-bit source X (namely, X is the output of C_X on a uniform random input), construct another circuit C_Y describing a source Y such that (1) source Y is nearly flat (uniform on its s ...
Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik GmbH, Wadern/Saarbruecken, Germany2018

Implementing Fusion Techniques for the Classification of Paralinguistic Information

Jilt Sebastian

This work tests several classification techniques and acoustic features and further combines them using late fusion to classify paralinguistic information for the ComParE 2018 challenge. We use Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) with Ordinary Least Squares ( ...

Coding for Communications and Secrecy

Mani Bastaniparizi

Shannon, in his landmark 1948 paper, developed a framework for characterizing the fundamental limits of information transmission. Among other results, he showed that reliable communication over a channel is possible at any rate below its capacity. In 2008, ...

A joint typicality approach to compute-forward

Michael Christoph Gastpar, Sung Hoon Lim, Chen Feng

A general framework for analyzing linear codes with joint typicality encoders and decoders is presented. Using this approach, we provide a new perspective on the compute-forward framework. In particular, an achievable rate region for computing the weighted ...

On Distributed Successive Refinement with Lossless Recovery

Michael Christoph Gastpar, Chien-Yi Wang

The problem of successive refinement in distributed source coding and in joint source-channel coding is considered. The emphasis is placed on the case where the sources have to be recovered losslessly in the second stage. In distributed source coding, it i ...

Windowed Decoding of Spatially Coupled Codes

Rüdiger Urbanke

Spatially coupled codes have been of interest recently owing to their superior performance over memoryless binary-input channels. The performance is good both asymptotically, since the belief propagation thresholds approach the Shannon limit, as well as fo ...
Ieee-Inst Electrical Electronics Engineers Inc2013