Sterilization (medicine)Sterilization (also spelled sterilisation) is any of a number of medical methods of birth control that intentionally leaves a person unable to reproduce. Sterilization methods include both surgical and non-surgical, and exist for both males and females. Sterilization procedures are intended to be permanent; reversal is generally difficult or impossible. There are multiple ways of having sterilization done, but the two that are used most frequently are tubal ligation for women and vasectomy for men.
Fertility factor (demography)Fertility factors are determinants of the number of children that an individual is likely to have. Fertility factors are mostly positive or negative correlations without certain causations. Factors generally associated with increased fertility include the intention to have children, in advanced societies very high gender equality, religiosity, inter-generational transmission of values, marriage and cohabitation, maternal and social support, rural residence, pro family government programs, low IQ and increased food production.
Birth rateBirth rate, also known as natality, is the total number of live human births per 1,000 population for a given period divided by the length of the period in years. The number of live births is normally taken from a universal registration system for births; population counts from a census, and estimation through specialized demographic techniques. The birth rate (along with mortality and migration rates) is used to calculate population growth. The estimated average population may be taken as the mid-year population.
Total fertility rateThe total fertility rate (TFR) of a population is the average number of children that would be born to a female over their lifetime if: they were to experience the exact current age-specific fertility rates (ASFRs) through their lifetime they were to live from birth until the end of their reproductive life. It is obtained by summing the single-year age-specific rates at a given time. , the total fertility rate varied widely across the world, from 0.78 in South Korea to 6.73 in Niger.
Income and fertilityIncome and fertility is the association between monetary gain on one hand, and the tendency to produce offspring on the other. There is generally an inverse correlation between income and the total fertility rate within and between nations. The higher the degree of education and GDP per capita of a human population, subpopulation or social stratum, the fewer children are born in any developed country. In a 1974 United Nations population conference in Bucharest, Karan Singh, a former minister of population in India, illustrated this trend by stating "Development is the best contraceptive.
Age and female fertilityFemale fertility is affected by age and is a major fertility factor for women. A woman's fertility is in generally good quality from the late teens to early thirties, although it declines gradually over time. Around 35, fertility is noted to decline at a more rapid rate. While many sources suggest a more dramatic drop at around 35, this is unclear, since few studies have been conducted since the 19th century. One 2004 study of European women found fertility of the 27–34 and the 35–39 groups had only a four-percent difference.
SurrogacySurrogacy is an arrangement, often supported by a legal agreement, whereby a woman agrees to delivery/labour on behalf of another couple or person, who will become the child's parent(s) after birth. People may seek a surrogacy arrangement when a couple do not wish to carry a pregnancy themselves, when pregnancy is medically impossible, when pregnancy risks are dangerous for the intended mother, or when a single man or a same sex couple wish to have a child. In surrogacy arrangements, monetary compensation may or may not be involved.
Pregnancy ratePregnancy rate is the success rate for getting pregnant. It is the percentage of all attempts that leads to pregnancy, with attempts generally referring to menstrual cycles where insemination or any artificial equivalent is used, which may be simple artificial insemination (AI) or AI with additional in vitro fertilization (IVF). There is no universally accepted definition of the term. Thus in IVF pregnancy rates may be based on initiated treatment cycles, cycles that underwent oocyte retrieval, or cycles where an embryo transfer was performed.
NatalismNatalism (also called pronatalism or the pro-birth position) is an ideology that promotes the reproduction of human life as an important objective of being human and advocates high birthrate. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the term, as it relates to the belief itself, dates from 1971 and comes from nataliste, formed from natalité, birthrate. Natalism promotes child-bearing and parenthood as desirable for social reasons and to ensure the continuance of humanity.
Fertility and intelligenceThe relationship between fertility and intelligence has been investigated in many demographic studies. There is evidence that, on a population level, measures of intelligence such as educational attainment and literacy are negatively correlated with fertility rate in some contexts. However, genetic studies have shown no evidence for dysgenic effects in human populations. Theories about dysgenic and eugenic effects in human populations have historically been associated with scientific racism.