In computer science, read-copy-update (RCU) is a synchronization mechanism that avoids the use of lock primitives while multiple threads concurrently read and update elements that are linked through pointers and that belong to shared data structures (e.g., linked lists, trees, hash tables). Whenever a thread is inserting or deleting elements of data structures in shared memory, all readers are guaranteed to see and traverse either the older or the new structure, therefore avoiding inconsistencies (e.g., dereferencing null pointers). It is used when performance of reads is crucial and is an example of space–time tradeoff, enabling fast operations at the cost of more space. This makes all readers proceed as if there were no synchronization involved, hence they will be fast, but also making updates more difficult. The name comes from the way that RCU is used to update a linked structure in place. A thread wishing to do this uses the following steps: create a new structure, copy the data from the old structure into the new one, and save a pointer to the old structure, modify the new, copied, structure, update the global pointer to refer to the new structure, sleep until the operating system kernel determines that there are no readers left using the old structure, for example, in the Linux kernel, by using , once awakened by the kernel, deallocate the old structure. So the structure is read concurrently with a thread copying in order to do an update, hence the name "read-copy update". The abbreviation "RCU" was one of many contributions by the Linux community. Other names for similar techniques include passive serialization and MP defer by VM/XA programmers and generations by K42 and Tornado programmers. A key property of RCU is that readers can access a data structure even when it is in the process of being updated: RCU updaters cannot block readers or force them to retry their accesses. This overview starts by showing how data can be safely inserted into and deleted from linked structures despite concurrent readers.
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Willy Zwaenepoel, Diego Didona, Kristina Spirovska