MGT-466: Negotiation techniquesThis course is designed to give you a practical, hands-on opportunity to learn the basics of negotiating, self leadership and the impact of culture. Strategies and techniques are presented and practic
MGT-475: Strategy, sustainability and innovationThe current world of business is changing fast, in particular through the need to find a more sustainable economic model and through the rise of new technologies. These changes generate constraints bu
MGT-400: Corporate strategyWhy are some firms more successful than others? This is the fundamental question of strategy. The course aims to familiarize the student with the most important themes relevant for corporate strategy.
MGT-426: Logistics and demand analysisLa logistique, fonction transversale par excellence, intègre toutes les dimensions des processus industriels à ajout de valeur, de l'approvisionnement à la distribution aux clients et au-delà en intég
MGT-201: Introduction to entrepreneurshipThis course provides an introduction to the field of entrepreneurship, in particular the process of new venture creation and the commercialization of technologies. It integrates theories of entreprene
MGT-431: Information: strategy & economicsIntroduction to the economics of information and its strategic ramifications. The main objectives are to use economic theory to understand strategic interactions in the presence of uncertainty, estima
MGT-404: Management of intellectual propertyThis class provides an introduction to the management of intellectual property (IP), primarily patents. It covers legal and strategic considerations related to IP. The class relies on formal lectures,
CS-430: Intelligent agentsSoftware agents are widely used to control physical, economic and financial processes. The course presents practical methods for implementing software agents and multi-agent systems, supported by prog