Dynamics loads on structures, equations of motion of linear single- and multiple-degree-of freedom systems; free an forced vibrations; damping in structures: modal superposition and response history a
Ce cours pose les bases d'un concept essentiel en ingénierie : la notion de système. Plus spécifiquement, le cours présente la théorie des systèmes linéaires invariants dans le temps (SLIT), qui sont
Provides the students with basic notions and tools for the analysis of dynamic systems. Shows them how to develop mathematical models of dynamic systems and perform analysis in time and frequency doma
Provides the students with basic notions and tools for the analysis and control of dynamic systems. Shows them how to design controllers and analyze the performance of controlled systems.
Ce cours inclut la modélisation et l'analyse de systèmes dynamiques, l'introduction des principes de base et l'analyse de systèmes en rétroaction, la synthèse de régulateurs dans le domain fréquentiel
Apply the knowledge acquired in Electroacoustics, Audio Engineering and Propagation of Acoustic Waves lectures.
This lecture is oriented towards the study of audio engineering, room acoustics, sound propagation, and sound radiation from sources and acoustic antennas. The learning outcomes will be the techniques
Identification of discrete-time linear models using experimental data is studied. The correlation method and spectral analysis are used to identify nonparametric models and the subspace and prediction
This course introduces the principles of model identification for non-linear dynamic systems, and provides a set of possible solution methods that are thoroughly characterized in terms of modelling as
This course covers some theoretical and practical aspects of robust and adaptive control. This includes H-2 and H-infinity control in model-based and data-driven framework by convex optimization, dire