The Late Heavy Bombardment (LHB), or lunar cataclysm, is a hypothesized event thought to have occurred approximately 4.1 to 3.8 billion years (Ga) ago, at a time corresponding to the Neohadean and Eoarchean eras on Earth. According to the hypothesis, during this interval, a disproportionately large number of asteroids and comets collided with the early terrestrial planets in the inner Solar System, including Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. These came from both post-accretion and planetary instability-driven populations of impactors. Although it used to be widely accepted, it remained difficult to provide an overwhelming amount of evidence for the hypothesis. However, recent re-appraisal of the cosmo-chemical constraints indicates that there was likely no late spike ("terminal cataclysm") in the bombardment rate. Evidence for the LHB derives from rock samples of Moon craters brought back by the Apollo astronauts. Isotopic dating showed that the rocks were last molten during impact events in a rather narrow interval of time, suggesting that a large proportion of craters were formed during this period. Several hypotheses attempt to explain this apparent spike in the flux of impactors in the inner Solar System, but no consensus yet exists. The Nice model, popular among planetary scientists, postulates that the giant planets underwent orbital migration, scattering objects from the asteroid belt, Kuiper belt, or both, into eccentric orbits, and into the path of the terrestrial planets. Other researchers doubt the heavy bombardment, arguing that the apparent clustering of lunar impact-melt ages is a statistical artifact produced by sampling rocks scattered from a single large impact. They also note that the rate of impact cratering could differ significantly between the outer and inner zones of the Solar System. The main piece of evidence for a lunar cataclysm comes from the radiometric ages of impact melt rocks that were collected during the Apollo missions.