The mathematical expressions for thermodynamic entropy in the statistical thermodynamics formulation established by Ludwig Boltzmann and J. Willard Gibbs in the 1870s are similar to the information entropy by Claude Shannon and Ralph Hartley, developed in the 1940s. The defining expression for entropy in the theory of statistical mechanics established by Ludwig Boltzmann and J. Willard Gibbs in the 1870s, is of the form: where is the probability of the microstate i taken from an equilibrium ensemble, and is the Boltzmann's constant. The defining expression for entropy in the theory of information established by Claude E. Shannon in 1948 is of the form: where is the probability of the message taken from the message space M, and b is the base of the logarithm used. Common values of b are 2, Euler's number e, and 10, and the unit of entropy is shannon (or bit) for b = 2, nat for b = e, and hartley for b = 10. Mathematically H may also be seen as an average information, taken over the message space, because when a certain message occurs with probability pi, the information quantity −log(pi) (called information content or self-information) will be obtained. If all the microstates are equiprobable (a microcanonical ensemble), the statistical thermodynamic entropy reduces to the form, as given by Boltzmann, where W is the number of microstates that corresponds to the macroscopic thermodynamic state. Therefore S depends on temperature. If all the messages are equiprobable, the information entropy reduces to the Hartley entropy where is the cardinality of the message space M. The logarithm in the thermodynamic definition is the natural logarithm. It can be shown that the Gibbs entropy formula, with the natural logarithm, reproduces all of the properties of the macroscopic classical thermodynamics of Rudolf Clausius. (See article: Entropy (statistical views)). The logarithm can also be taken to the natural base in the case of information entropy. This is equivalent to choosing to measure information in nats instead of the usual bits (or more formally, shannons).
Edoardo Charbon, Pouyan Keshavarzian, Francesco Gramuglia, Mario Stipcevic
Assyr Abdulle, Doghonay Arjmand, Edoardo Paganoni