In theoretical physics, a source field is a background field coupled to the original field as
This term appears in the action in Feynman's path integral formulation and responsible for the theory interactions. In Schwinger's formulation the source is responsible for creating or destroying (detecting) particles. In a collision reaction a source could the other particles in the collision. Therefore, the source appears in the vacuum amplitude acting from both sides on Green function correlator of the theory.
Schwinger's source theory stems from Schwinger's quantum action principle and can be related to the path integral formulation as the variation with respect to the source per se corresponds to the field , i.e.
Also, a source acts effectively in a region of the spacetime. As one sees in the examples below, the source field appears on the right-hand side of the equations of motion (usually second-order partial differential equations) for . When the field is the electromagnetic potential or the metric tensor, the source field is the electric current or the stress–energy tensor, respectively.
In terms of the statistical and non-relativistic applications, Schwinger's source formulation plays crucial rules in understanding many non-equilibrium systems. Source theory is theoretically significant as it needs neither divergence regularizations nor renormalization.
In the Feynman's path integral formulation with normalization , partition function
generates Green's functions (correlators)
One implements the quantum variational methodology to realize that is an external driving source of . From the perspectives of probability theory, can be seen as the expectation value of the function . This motivates considering the Hamiltonian of forced harmonic oscillator as a toy model
where .
In fact, the current is real, that is . And the Lagrangian is . From now on we drop the hat and the asterisk. Remember that canonical quantization states . In light of the relation between partition function and its correlators, the variation of the vacuum amplitude gives
where .
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This lecture describes advanced concepts and applications of quantum optics. It emphasizes the connection with ongoing research, and with the fast growing field of quantum technologies. The topics cov
This course introduces modern field-theoretical approaches to non-equilibrium systems. Through practical examples from quantum gases/optics, we construct the Keldysh formalism and explore the connecti
The goal of the course is to introduce relativistic quantum field theory as the conceptual and mathematical framework describing fundamental interactions.
The partition function or configuration integral, as used in probability theory, information theory and dynamical systems, is a generalization of the definition of a partition function in statistical mechanics. It is a special case of a normalizing constant in probability theory, for the Boltzmann distribution. The partition function occurs in many problems of probability theory because, in situations where there is a natural symmetry, its associated probability measure, the Gibbs measure, has the Markov property.
In quantum field theory, correlation functions, often referred to as correlators or Green's functions, are vacuum expectation values of time-ordered products of field operators. They are a key object of study in quantum field theory where they can be used to calculate various observables such as S-matrix elements. They are closely related to correlation functions between random variables, although they are nonetheless different objects, being defined in Minkowski spacetime and on quantum operators.
In quantum field theory, partition functions are generating functionals for correlation functions, making them key objects of study in the path integral formalism. They are the imaginary time versions of statistical mechanics partition functions, giving rise to a close connection between these two areas of physics. Partition functions can rarely be solved for exactly, although free theories do admit such solutions. Instead, a perturbative approach is usually implemented, this being equivalent to summing over Feynman diagrams.
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