The right of person A to obligate (enforce an obligation on) person B to refrain from (causal) physical interference with, in particular a purely interfering negligence tort against, some object or thing is called a negative right. So a negative right is a claim right. If a claim right is not a negative right, it is called a positive right. To every claim right of person A to obligate person B corresponds the obligation on B, so the obligation corresponding to a negative right is called a 'negative obligation' and an obligation corresponding to positive right a 'positive obligation'. Examples of negative rights are natural right to self-ownership and property like land and territorial sovereignty of the state. An examples of a positive right is the right of the government to enforce the law on all inhabitants or a sale contract to receive a product. Defamation, free-market competition or refusal to offer a delivery service are not forms of damage that are tortuously necessarily caused by an act of pure interference. Bans on these actions are positive obligations and the right to inviolability of these actions are positive rights.
In the naive definition negative and positive rights are rights that oblige either omission (negative rights) or action (positive rights). This definition makes both types of rights equivalent because the omission of X is the set of all action that does not involve doing X, is also an action. The naive definition of inaction, namely omitting all action, is impossible, but noninterference is. Negative rights may include civil and political rights such as freedom of speech, life, private property, freedom from violent crime, protection against being defrauded, freedom of religion, habeas corpus, a fair trial, and the right not to be enslaved by another.
Positive rights, as initially proposed in 1979 by the Czech jurist Karel Vašák, may include other civil and political rights such as the right to counsel and police protection of person and property.
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Constitutionalism is "a compound of ideas, attitudes, and patterns of behavior elaborating the principle that the authority of government derives from and is limited by a body of fundamental law". Political organizations are constitutional to the extent that they "contain institutionalized mechanisms of power control for the protection of the interests and liberties of the citizenry, including those that may be in the minority".
Freedom of speech is a principle that supports the freedom of an individual or a community to articulate their opinions and ideas without fear of retaliation, censorship, or legal sanction. The right to freedom of expression has been recognised as a human right in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and international human rights law by the United Nations. Many countries have constitutional law that protects free speech. Terms like free speech, freedom of speech, and freedom of expression are used interchangeably in political discourse.
The European Social Charter is a Council of Europe treaty which was opened for signature on October 18, 1961 and initially became effective on February 26, 1965, after West Germany had become the fifth of the 13 signing nations to ratify it. By 1991, 20 nations had ratified it. The Charter was established to support the European Convention on Human Rights which is principally for civil and political rights, and to broaden the scope of protected fundamental rights to include social and economic rights.
Objectif général de ce cours : permettre aux étudiant-e-s d'identifier et d'utiliser les outils de la philosophie et plus spécifiquement de l'éthique, dans le contexte de questions sociales et politiq
The students gain an in-depth knowledge of several current and emerging areas of theoretical computer science. The course familiarizes them with advanced techniques, and develops an understanding of f
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