ChE-403: Heterogeneous reaction engineeringThe theoretical background and practical aspects of heterogeneous reactions including the basic knowledge of heterogeneous catalysis are introduced. The fundamentals are given to allow the design of m
BIOENG-320: Synthetic biologyThis advanced Bachelor/Master level course will cover fundamentals and approaches at the interface of biology, chemistry, engineering and computer science for diverse fields of synthetic biology. This
BIO-341: Dynamical systems in biologyLife is non-linear. This course introduces dynamical systems as a technique for modelling simple biological processes. The emphasis is on the qualitative and numerical analysis of non-linear dynamical
BIO-616: Practical - Karthaus LabStudents will learn
- how organoids can be used in biomedical research
- How to perform organoid culture
- How to perform basic genetic manipulations
ENG-436: Food biotechnologyThe course will deliver basic knowledge on the principles of food fermentation and enzyme technology. The course will also present benefits that food biotechnology can bring in terms of Nutrition & He
CH-412: Frontiers in chemical biologyChemical biology is a key discipline in biomedical research for drug discovery, synthetic biology and protein functional annotation. We will give a broad perspective of the field ranging from seminal
MATH-207(d): Analysis IVThe course studies the fundamental concepts of complex analysis and Laplace analysis with a view to their use to solve multidisciplinary scientific engineering problems.
BIOENG-430: Selected topics in life sciencesThe course presents an overview on how recent advances at the interfaces of biology, biotechnology, engineering, physical sciences, and medicine are 1) shaping the landscape of biomedical research; 2)
MATH-203(b): Analysis IIILe cours étudie les concepts fondamentaux de l'analyse vectorielle et l'analyse de Fourier en vue de leur utilisation pour
résoudre des problèmes pluridisciplinaires d'ingénierie scientifique.