
Polarization-maintaining optical fiber

In fiber optics, polarization-maintaining optical fiber (PMF or PM fiber) is a single-mode optical fiber in which linearly polarized light, if properly launched into the fiber, maintains a linear polarization during propagation, exiting the fiber in a specific linear polarization state; there is little or no cross-coupling of optical power between the two polarization modes. Such fiber is used in special applications where preserving polarization is essential. Polarization crosstalk In an ordinary (non-polarization-maintaining) fiber, two polarization modes (say vertical and horizontal polarization) have the same nominal phase velocity due to the fiber's circular symmetry. However tiny amounts of random birefringence in such a fiber, or bending in the fiber, will cause a tiny amount of crosstalk from the vertical to the horizontal polarization mode. And since even a short portion of fiber, over which a tiny coupling coefficient may apply, is many thousands of wavelengths lo
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