In computing, a server is a piece of computer hardware or software (computer program) that provides functionality for other programs or devices, called "clients". This architecture is called the client–server model. Servers can provide various functionalities, often called "services", such as sharing data or resources among multiple clients or performing computations for a client. A single server can serve multiple clients, and a single client can use multiple servers. A client process may run on the same device or may connect over a network to a server on a different device. Typical servers are database servers, s, mail servers, print servers, web servers, game servers, and application servers. Client–server systems are usually most frequently implemented by (and often identified with) the request–response model: a client sends a request to the server, which performs some action and sends a response back to the client, typically with a result or acknowledgment. Designating a computer as "server-class hardware" implies that it is specialized for running servers on it. This often implies that it is more powerful and reliable than standard personal computers, but alternatively, large computing clusters may be composed of many relatively simple, replaceable server components. The use of the word server in computing comes from queueing theory, where it dates to the mid 20th century, being notably used in (along with "service"), the paper that introduced Kendall's notation. In earlier papers, such as the , more concrete terms such as "[telephone] operators" are used. In computing, "server" dates at least to RFC 5 (1969), one of the earliest documents describing ARPANET (the predecessor of Internet), and is contrasted with "user", distinguishing two types of host: "server-host" and "user-host". The use of "serving" also dates to early documents, such as RFC 4, contrasting "serving-host" with "using-host". The defines "server" in the common sense of a process performing service for requests, usually remote, with the 1981 (1.
Nikolaos Stergiopoulos, Vasiliki Bikia
David Atienza Alonso, Luis Maria Costero Valero, Darong Huang
Touradj Ebrahimi, Lin Yuan, Xiao Pu, Yao Zhang, Hongbo Li