Vincent Pierre LamirandAfter a PhD on the measurement of (p,n) reactions cross sections on small accelerators (IRSN, France), I have worked on the development of neutron detectors and measurement methods for reactor physics (CEA, France). I am part of the LRS staff since October 2014.
Thierry MeyerThierry Meyer received in 1986 a diploma degree (MSc) in chemical engineering from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology at Lausanne (EPFL). He was awarded in 1989 a PhD at EPFL for his thesis on micromixing in highly viscous polymeric media. He joined the Institute of Chemical Engineering from 1989 till 1993 as senior scientist in the field of polymerization reactions. In 1994 he joined Ciba-Geigy SA in the pigment division as successively development chemist, head of development a.i. and finally production manager for high performance pigments. Returning to the Institute of Chemical Engineering at EPFL in Lausanne by the end of 1998, he was nominated maître denseignement et de recherche (MER) for leading a new research group in the field of polymers and supercritical fluids, and teaching to chemists, chemical engineers and material sciences, disciplines as process development, introduction to chemical engineering, polymer and organic chemistry at master and bachelor program. In 2005 he owned the responsibility of the Occupational Health and Safety of the school of basic sciences on top of his research activities dealing with risk management and supercritical fluids. He is presently teaching introduction to chemical engineering at bachelor level, risk management at master level and specific courses on safety and engineering risk management in continuing education. He acts also as consultant and expert in risk assessment and chemical engineering matters by the ICC (International Chamber of Commerce) of the World Business Organization, by several consultancy companies and by major and SMEs chemical industries. Thierry Meyer is currently member of several international associations of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering, American institution of chemical engineering, American chemical society and senior member of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers. He was elected chairman of the European Working Party on Polymer Reaction Engineering from 2001 till 2006. He his currently the Swiss academic member of the European Working Party on Loss Prevention and Safety Promotion as well as of the European Working Party on Education. He is member of several editorial boards: Chemical Engineering Research and Design, Macromolecular Reaction Engineering, Chemical Engineering and Technology, Journal of Chemical Health and Safety.
Manuel Alexandre PouchonResearcher in experimental and theoretical materials science, specializing in the development of nuclear fuels since 1997, and structural materials for nuclear reactors since 2004. Presently leading nuclear materials lab (LNM) and the advanced nuclear materials (ANM) group and programme at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) in Switzerland. The applicability of different material candidates in advanced nuclear reactors is researched. Especially different aspects of radiation damage are investigated. For this purpose the concept of sample miniaturization is applied and further developed. Recently leading a new activity in particle fuel production and application. Previously working for the FUJI project at PSI, where different nuclear fuel forms for fast reactors were produced, characterized and finally irradiated in reactor. This work was performed in collaboration with the Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute (JNC) and Nuclear Research & consultancy Group (NRG) in the Netherlands. Previously an International Fellow at JNC investigating the thermal conductivity, sintering behaviour, and mechanical interaction of ceramic-sphere fuel beds; this includes the use of finite element methods for simulating various behaviours. Previously at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) and for the Inert Matrix Fuel Project for burning plutonium in light water reactors, investigating the thermal conductivity and the diffusion and solubility of fission products of a zirconia-based non-fertile matrix.
Rakesh ChawlaOriginaire d'Inde, Rakesh Chawla y est né en 1947. Après avoir obtenu son doctorat en génie nucléaire à l'Imperial College de l'Université de Londres en 1970, il travaille jusqu'en 1972 à Winfrith comme Research Fellow de la United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority.
De 1972 à 1978, il est engagé comme professeur assistant par l'Institut Indien de Technologie à Kanpur dans le cadre du programme Génie Nucléaire et Technologie. Depuis 1978, il travaille à l'Institut Paul Scherrer (PSI) à Würenlingen-Villigen dans le département de recherche Energie Nucléaire. En tant que chef de projet, il est responsable des divers travaux R&D, comme les études faites sur le réacteur de recherche PROTEUS.
En 1994, il est nommé professeur extraordinaire en physique des réacteurs au Département de physique de l'EPFL, poste qui comprend les activités d'enseignement à l'EPFL et la direction du Laboratoire de physique des réacteurs et de technique des systèmes au PSI. En 1997, il est nommé professeur ordinaire son enseignement porte sur les aspects physiques du génie nucléaire et les travaux pratiques utilisant le réacteur CROCUS à l'EPFL. Ses recherches actuelles comprennent les travaux expérimentaux et analytiques liés à la sécurité des systèmes avancés, au cycle de combustible et à la transmutation des déchets, ainsi qu'au comportement dynamique des centrales nucléaires.