CS-108: Practice of object-oriented programmingLes étudiants perfectionnent leurs connaissances en Java et les mettent en pratique en réalisant un projet de taille conséquente. Ils apprennent à utiliser et à mettre en œuvre les principaux types de
CS-107: Introduction to programmingCe cours aborde les concepts fondamentaux de la programmation et de la programmation orientée objet (langage JAVA). Il permet également de se familisarier avec un environnement de développement inform
CS-214: Software constructionLearn how to design and implement reliable, maintainable, and efficient software using a mix of programming skills (declarative style, higher-order functions, inductive types, parallelism) and
CS-420: Advanced compiler constructionStudents learn several implementation techniques for modern functional and object-oriented programming languages. They put some of them into practice by developing key parts of a compiler and run time
CS-550: Formal verificationWe introduce formal verification as an approach for developing highly reliable systems. Formal verification finds proofs that computer systems work under all relevant scenarios. We will learn how to u
CS-320: Computer language processingWe teach the fundamental aspects of analyzing and interpreting computer languages, including the techniques to build compilers. You will build a working compiler from an elegant functional language in
CS-206: Parallelism and concurrencyCourse no longer offered for new students; this edition is only a make-up course for those who repeated the year. Please log in with EPFL credentials and consult the mediaspace link below for course v