Critical infrastructure, or critical national infrastructure (CNI) in the UK, describes infrastructure considered essential by governments for the functioning of a society and economy and deserving of special protection for national security.
Most commonly associated with the term are assets and facilities for:
Shelter; Heating (e.g. natural gas, fuel oil, district heating);
Agriculture, food production and distribution;
Education, skills development and technology transfer / basic subsistence and unemployment rate statistics;
Water supply (drinking water, waste water/sewage, stemming of surface water (e.g. dikes and sluices));
Public health (hospitals, ambulances);
Transportation systems (fuel supply, railway network, airports, harbours, inland shipping);
Security services (police, military).
Electricity generation, transmission and distribution; (e.g. natural gas, fuel oil, coal, nuclear power)
Renewable energy, which are naturally replenished on a human timescale, such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, waves, and geothermal heat.
Telecommunication; coordination for successful operations
Economic sector; Goods and services and financial services (banking, clearing);
The Canadian Federal Government identifies the following 10 Critical Infrastructure Sectors as a way to classify essential assets.
Energy & Utilities: Electricity providers; off-shore/on-shore oil & gas; coal supplies, natural gas providers; home fuel oil; gas station supplies; alternative energy suppliers (wind, solar, other)
Information and Communication Technology: Broadcast Media; telecommunication providers (landlines, cell phones, internet, wifi); Postal services;
Finance: Banking services, government finance/aid departments; taxation
Health: Public health & wellness programs, hospital/clinic facilities; blood & blood products
Food: Food supply chains; food inspectors; import/export programs; grocery stores; Agri & Acqua culture; farmers markets
Water: Water supply & protection; wastewater management; fisheries & ocean protection programs
Transportation: Roads, bridges, railways, aviation/airports; shipping & ports; transit
Safety: Emergency responders; public safety programs
Government: Military; Continuity of governance
Manufacturing: Industry, economic development
European Programme for Critical Infrastructure Protection
European Programme for Critical Infrastructure Protection (EPCIP) refers to the doctrine or specific programs created as a result of the European Commission's directive EU COM(2006) 786 which designates European critical infrastructure that, in case of fault, incident, or attack, could impact both the country where it is hosted and at least one other European Member State.