MSE-236: Metals and alloysCe cours constitue une introduction aux principes qui régissent l'élaboration, la microstructure et les propriétés des matériaux métalliques. Trois systèmes principaux d'alliages (Al, Cu, Fe) seront u
MSE-101(a): Materials:from chemistry to propertiesCe cours permet l'acquisition des notions essentielles relatives à la structure de la matière, aux équilibres et à la réactivité chimique en liaison avec les propriétés mécaniques, thermiques, électri
MSE-483: Advanced phase transformationsThis course provides an overview of the phenomenological concepts and mathematical tools that have been developed to study the thermodynamics, kinetics and mechanics of solid-state phase transformatio
ENG-410: Energy supply, economics and transitionThis course examines energy systems from various angles: available resources, how they can be combined or substituted, their private and social costs, whether they can meet the energy demand, and how
MSE-431: Physical chemistry of polymeric materialsThe student has a basic understanding of the physical and physicochemical principles which result from the chainlike structure of synthetic macromolecules. The student can predict major characteristic
MATH-486: Statistical mechanics and Gibbs measuresThis course provides a rigorous introduction to the ideas, methods and results of classical statistical mechanics, with an emphasis on presenting the central tools for the probabilistic description of
MSE-422: Advanced metallurgyThis course covers the metallurgy, processing and properties of modern high-performance metals and alloys (e.g. advanced steels, Ni-base, Ti-base, High Entropy Alloys etc.). In addition, the principle