A carboxypeptidase (EC number 3.4.16 - 3.4.18) is a protease enzyme that hydrolyzes (cleaves) a peptide bond at the carboxy-terminal (C-terminal) end of a protein or peptide. This is in contrast to an aminopeptidases, which cleave peptide bonds at the N-terminus of proteins. Humans, animals, bacteria and plants contain several types of carboxypeptidases that have diverse functions ranging from catabolism to protein maturation. At least two mechanisms have been discussed. Initial studies on carboxypeptidases focused on pancreatic carboxypeptidases A1, A2, and B in the digestion of food. Most carboxypeptidases are not, however, involved in catabolism. Instead they help to mature proteins, for example Post-translational modification. They also regulate biological processes, such as the biosynthesis of neuroendocrine peptides such as insulin requires a carboxypeptidase. Carboxypeptidases also function in blood clotting, growth factor production, wound healing, reproduction, and many other processes. Carboxypeptidases hydrolyze peptides at the first amide or polypeptide bond on the C-terminal end of the chain. Carboxypeptidases act by replacing the substrate water with a carbonyl (C=O) group. The carboxypeptidase A hydrolysis reaction has two mechanistic hypotheses, via a nucleophilic water and via an anhydride. In the first proposed mechanism, a promoted-water pathway is favoured as Glu270 deprotonates the nucleophilic water. The Zn2+ ion, along with positively charged residues, decreases the pKa of the bound water to approximately 7. Glu 270 has a dual role in this mechanism as it acts as a base to allow for the attack at the amide carbonyl group during nucleophilic addition. It acts as an acid during elimination when the water proton is transferred to the leaving nitrogen group. The oxygen on the amide carbonyl group does not coordinate to the Zn2+ until the addition of the water. The deprotonation of the Zn2+ coordinated water by Glu 270 provides an activated hydroxide nucleophile which attacks the amide carbonyl group in the peptide bond in a nucleophilic addition.
Wei Huang, Bruno Araujo Cautiero Horta
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