Electric energy consumption is energy consumption in the form of electrical energy. About a fifth of global energy is consumed as electricity: for residential, industrial, commercial, transportation and other purposes. Quickly increasing this share by further electrification is extremely important to limit climate change, because most other energy is consumed by burning fossil fuels thus emitting greenhouse gases which trap heat. The global electricity consumption in 2022 was 24,398 terawatt-hour (TWh), almost exactly three times the amount of consumption in 1981 (8,132 TWh). China, the United States, India and Japan accounted for more than half of the global share of electricity consumption. Electric energy is most often measured either in joules (J), or in watt hours (W·h). 1 W·s = 1 J 1 W·h = 3,600 W·s = 3,600 J 1 kWh = 3,600 kWs = 1,000 Wh = 3.6 million W·s = 3.6 million J Electric and electronic devices consume electric energy to generate desired output (light, heat, motion, etc.). During operation, some part of the energy is lost depending on the electrical efficiency. Electricity has been generated in power stations since 1882. The invention of the steam turbine in 1884 to drive the electric generator led to an increase in worldwide electricity consumption. In 2022, the total worldwide electricity production was nearly 29,000 TWh. Total primary energy is converted into numerous forms, including, but not limited to, electricity, heat and motion. Some primary energy is lost during the conversion to electricity, as seen in the United States, where a little more than 60% was lost in 2022. Electricity accounted for more than 20% of worldwide final energy consumption in 2022, with oil being less than 40%, coal being less than 9%, natural gas being less than 15%, biofuels and waste less than 10%, and other sources (such as heat, solar electricity, wind electricity and geothermal) being more than 5%. The total final electricity consumption in 2022 was split unevenly between the following sectors: industry (42.
Alexios Konstantinos Balatsoukas Stimming, Yuqing Ren
François Maréchal, Fabian Heymann, Xiang Li