PHYS-423: Plasma IFollowing an introduction of the main plasma properties, the fundamental concepts of the fluid and kinetic theory of plasmas are introduced. Applications concerning laboratory, space, and astrophysica
MSE-209: Transfer phenomena in materials scienceCe cours porte sur le transfert de la chaleur par conduction, convection et rayonnement, ainsi que sur la diffusion à l'état solide. D'après les règles phénoménologiques (Equations de Fourrier et Fick
MATH-494: Topics in arithmetic geometryP-adic numbers are a number theoretic analogue of the real numbers, which interpolate between arithmetics, analysis and geometry. In this course we study their basic properties and give various applic
MATH-328: Algebraic geometry I - CurvesAlgebraic geometry is the common language for many branches of modern research in mathematics. This course gives an introduction to this field by studying algebraic curves and their intersection theor
MSE-440: Composites technologyThe latest developments in processing and the novel generations of organic composites are discussed.
Nanocomposites, adaptive composites and biocomposites are presented. Product development, cost anal
CH-422: Catalyst design for synthesisThis course on homogeneous catalysis provide a detailed understanding of how these catalysts work at a mechanistic level and give examples of catalyst design for important reactions (hydrogenation, ol
MATH-123(b): GeometryThe course provides an introduction to the study of curves and surfaces in Euclidean spaces. We will learn how we can apply ideas from differential and integral calculus and linear algebra in order to
CIVIL-212: Fundamentals of indoor climateThe indoor climate impacts building performance and human well-being. This course covers fundamental knowledge of indoor air quality and thermal environment, with their assessment methods. It also out
EE-282: Initiation to electronicsPrésentation des principaux composants de base de l'électroniques.
Analyse de circuits à base d'amplificateurs opérationnels.
Introduction aux circuits logiques élémentaires.
Principe de la conversion
CH-421: Catalysis for energy storageThis course covers the fundamental and applied aspects of electrocatalysis related to renewable energy conversion and storage. The focus is on catalysis for hydrogen evolution, oxygen evolution, and C