Self-ownership, is the concept of property in one's own body, expressed as the moral or natural right of a person to have bodily integrity which means to be the exclusive controller of one's own body including one's life, where 'control' means exerting any physical interference and 'exclusive' means having the right to install and enforce a ban on other people doing this. Since the legal norm of property title claim incapacitates (or bans) other people (except the zygote) from claiming property title over the same resource at the same time, the right to control or interfere with one's own body in any arbitrary way is secured. Libertarians usually bundle self-ownership with self-sovereignty as a concept. Self-ownership is a central idea in several political philosophies that emphasize individualism, such as libertarianism, liberalism, and anarchism. 'sovereignty of the individual, 'individual sovereignty' or self-sovereignty, is generally understood as a right implying the right of self-ownership and one's property, also called negative sovereignty, but also implying the rejection of or the right to defend against positive sovereignty, where negative sovereignty includes property rights and positive sovereignty includes the right to subjugate self-owning people to command obedience or sovereign rule or simply being endowed with the right to receive some economic good. A view that is held by 'negative-rights libertarians'. Legal theoretically sovereignty is achieved by person A, the declarator, by applying a power norm on person B which does not require any declarative volitional behavioral action of B, where as a legal consequence B becomes the legal subject (of the obligation) meaning B receives an obligation to perform an action that includes all physical noninterference action with A's property (negative sovereignty) by B, or any other obligation (positive sovereignty). Example of negative sovereignty power norms are declaring a land ownership claim by planting a flag or raising a fence on previously unowned land installing a physical interference ban exempted by local rules.
Olaf Blanke, Andrea Serino, Roberta Ronchi, Lukas Heydrich
Olaf Blanke, Tobias Kober, Wietske Van der Zwaag, Roy Salomon, Giulio Rognini, Masayuki Hara