Pixar Animation Studios (ˈpɪksɑr) is an American computer animation studio known for its critically and commercially successful computer-animated feature films. It is based in Emeryville, California. Since 2006, Pixar has been a subsidiary of Walt Disney Studios, a division of Disney Entertainment, which is owned by The Walt Disney Company.
Pixar started in 1979 as part of the Lucasfilm computer division. It was known as the Graphics Group before its spin-off as a corporation in 1986, with funding from Apple co-founder Steve Jobs who became its majority shareholder. Disney purchased Pixar in January 2006 at a valuation of 7.4+billionbyconvertingeachshareofPixarstockto2.3sharesofDisneystock.Pixarisbestknownforitsfeaturefilms,technologicallypoweredbyRenderMan,thecompany′sownimplementationoftheindustry−standardRenderManInterfaceSpecificationimage−renderingAPI.Thestudio′smascotisLuxoJr.,adesklampfromthestudio′s1986shortfilmofthesamename.Pixarhasproduced27featurefilms,startingwithToyStory(1995),whichisthefirstfullycomputer−animatedfeaturefilm;itsmostrecentfilmwasElemental(2023).Thestudiohasalsoproducedmanyshortfilms.,itsfeaturefilmshaveearnedover15 billion at the worldwide box office with an average gross of 546.9millionperfilm.ToyStory3(2010),FindingDory(2016),Incredibles2(2018),andToyStory4(2019)allgrossedover1 billion and are among the 50 highest-grossing films of all time. Moreover, 15 of Pixar's films are in the 50 highest-grossing animated films of all time.
Pixar has earned 23 Academy Awards, 10 Golden Globe Awards, and 11 Grammy Awards, along with numerous other awards and acknowledgments. Since its inauguration in 2001, eleven Pixar films have won the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature, including Finding Nemo (2003), The Incredibles (2004), Ratatouille (2007), WALL-E (2008), Up (2009), Toy Story 3 (2010), Brave (2012), Inside Out (2015), Coco (2017), Toy Story 4 (2019), and Soul (2020).