This is a list of words, terms, concepts and slogans of Nazi Germany used in the historiography covering the Nazi regime. Some words were coined by Adolf Hitler and other Nazi Party members. Other words and concepts were borrowed and appropriated, and other terms were already in use during the Weimar Republic. Finally, some are taken from Germany's cultural tradition. 25-point programme – The Nazi Party platform and a codification of its ideology. Abbeförderung ('dispatching, removal') – euphemism for killing. abgeräumt ('cleared away') – slang expression for "murdered". Abhörverbrecher ('wiretapping criminal') – Germans and others in the occupied countries who illegally listened to foreign news broadcasts. Abkindern – an ironically intended colloquial designation for the cancellation of a marriage loan through the production of offspring. In German, ab means "off" and Kind means "child". Ablieferungspflicht ('delivery obligation') – delivery duty on farm products and other goods which had to be contributed to the state to be sold on the German market. Abrechnung mit den Juden ('the settling of accounts with the Jews') – the removal of Jews from the German economy and society, eventually leading to their extermination in the Holocaust. Abschaum ('scum') – political adversaries of the Nazis. SS-Abschnitt – SS district or district headquarters. Absiedlung ('resettlement') – the forceful removal of people from German-occupied or annexed regions. This term is synonymous with Umsiedlung. Abstammungsnachweis ('genealogical certificate') – used to establish the purity of one's Aryan descent. Abteilung – a branch, subsection, department or a division within a main office. Abteilungsleiter – the head of a section or department. Abwehr (ˈapˌveːɐ̯; 'defence') – a German military intelligence (information gathering) organisation that operated from 1920 to 1944. After 4 February 1938, its name in title was Amt Ausland/Abwehr im Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (' Foreign Affairs/Defence Office of the Armed Forces High Command').