Jürgen BruggerI am a Professor of Microengineering and co-affiliated to Materials Science. Before joining EPFL I was at the MESA Research Institute of Nanotechnology at the University of Twente in the Netherlands, at the IBM Zurich Research Laboratory, and at the Hitachi Central Research Laboratory, in Tokyo, Japan. I received a Master in Physical-Electronics and a PhD degree from Neuchâtel University, Switzerland. Research in my laboratory focuses on various aspects of MEMS and Nanotechnology. My group contributes to the field at the fundamental level as well as in technological development, as demonstrated by the start-ups that spun off from the lab. In our research, key competences are in micro/nanofabrication, additive micro-manufacturing, new materials for MEMS, increasingly for wearable and biomedical applications. Together with my students and colleagues we published over 200 peer-refereed papers and I had the pleasure to supervise over 25 PhD students. Former students and postdocs have been successful in receiving awards and starting their own scientific careers. I am honoured for the appointment in 2016 as Fellow of the IEEE “For contributions to micro and nano manufacturing technology”. In 2017 my lab was awarded an ERC AdvG in the field of advanced micro-manufacturing.
Tobias SchneiderTobias Schneider is an assistant professor in the School of Engineering at EPFL, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne. He received his doctoral degree in theoretical physics in 2007 from the University of Marburg in Germany working on the transition to turbulence in pipe flow. He then joined Harvard University as a postdoctoral fellow. In 2012 Tobias Schneider returned to Europe to establish an independent Max-Planck research group at the Max-Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization in Goettingen. Since 2014, he is working at EPFL, where he teaches fluid mechanics and heads the 'Emergent Complexity in Physical Systems' laboratory. Tobias Schneider's research is focused on nonlinear mechanics with specific emphasis on spatial turbulent-laminar patterns in fluid flows transitioning to turbulence. His lab combines dynamical systems and pattern-formation theory with large-scale computer simulations. Together with his team, Schneider develops computational tools and continuation methods for studying the bifurcation structure of nonlinear differential equations such as those describing the flow of a fluid. These tools are published as open-source software at channelflow.ch. Publications: Google Scholar
Tudor RatiuCitoyen des Etats-Unis, Tudor Ratiu est né en 1950 à Timisoara, Roumanie. Il a obtenu un diplôme en mathématiques en 1973 ainsi qu'un diplôme de maîtrise en mathématiques appliquées en 1974 à l'Université de Timisoara. Pour des raisons politiques il lui est interdit de poursuivre ses études et en 1975 il est obligé de quitter son pays. En 1980 il obtient un doctorat à l'Université de Californie à Berkeley avec une thèse en mécanique géométrique et est nommé professeur assistant de recherche T.H. Hildebrandt à l'Université de Michigan, Ann Arbor.
En 1983 il rejoint l'Université d'Arizona, Tucson, comme professeur associé et en 1987 l'Université de Californie, Santa Cruz, ou il est nommé professeur ordinaire en 1988. Il lui a été décerné une bourse postdoctorale du Fonds national scientifique américain, une bourse de la fondation A.P. Sloan, la chaire de recherche professoriale Miller à Berkeley, une bourse Fulbright et le prix allemand A. von Humboldt. Il a été professeur et chercheur invité dans plusieurs départements et instituts de recherche mathématiques du monde.
Les thèmes principaux de sa recherche sont l'analyse globale, la mécanique des fluides et du plasma, la dynamique hamiltonienne, la mécanique géométrique, la géométrie symplectique et de Poisson, la théorie de bifurcations et l'étude des systèmes complètement intégrables. Ses travaux concernent l'aspect mathématique de ces problèmes ainsi que leurs applications en physique et les sciences d'ingénieur. Il est auteur, en collaboration, de plusieurs livres de spécialité.
En 1997 il est nommé professeur ordinaire en analyse au Département de mathématiques et entre en fonction en juillet 1998.
Heinrich HofmannOriginaire de Mellingen (AG), Heinrich Hofmann est né en 1953. Après des études d'ingénieur en soudures (Ing. grad.) à Duisburg (D), et d'ingénieur en science des matériaux à la Technische Hochschule de Berlin, il obtient le titre de docteur ingénieur en 1983 pour une thèse dans le domaine des matériaux.De 1983 à 1985, il travaille comme assistant scientifique au Laboratoire de Technologie des Poudres de l'Institut Max Planck pour la science des matériaux à Stuttgart. En 1985 il entre au Centre de Recherche et Développement d'Alusuisse-Lonza à Neuhausen-am-Rheinfall, en tant qu'ingénieur consacré à la recherche dans l'étude et le développement des procédés de synthèse des poudres céramiques.En 1993 il entre à l'EPFL en tant que professeur extraordinaire et directeur du Laboratoire de technologie des poudres du Départmeent des matériaux. Son enseignement porte sur les céramiques I (procédés) et les phénomènes de transfert. Son domaine de recherche couvre la synthèse des poudres minérales, leur caractérisation et la modification des surfaces, ainsi que la mise en forme et le frittage. Ses recherches incluent aussi les matériaux nanostructurés (composites semi-conducteurs et polymères) et la métallurgie des poudres. Hofmann Heinrich, Prof. Dr.-Ing. got his PhD in Material Science with a thesis prepared at the Powder Metallurgy Laboratory at the Max Planck Institute in Stuttgart. In 1985 he joins the R&D center of Alusuisse-Lonza Services AG, at Neuhausen-am-Rheinfall. In 1993 he joins the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology as Professor and Director of the Powder Technology Laboratory at the Department of Materials science and engineering. His research area includes the synthesis of nanostructured materials based on nanoparticles and the modification of surfaces with nanoparticles using colloidal methods. The fields of application of such materials are medical and biological, (drug delivery, hyperthermia, cell separation, biosensors), electronics and sensors.
Hans Peter HerzigDr. Hans Peter Herzig is Professor at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) and Past President of the European Optical Society (EOS). His current research interests include refractive and diffractive micro-optics, nano-scale optics and optical MEMS.
Hans Peter Herzig received his diploma in physics from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zürich, Switzerland, in 1978. From 1978 to 1982 he was a scientist with the Optics Development Department of Kern in Aarau, Switzerland, working in lens design and optical testing. In 1983, he became a graduate research assistant with the Applied Optics Group at the Institute of Microtechnology of the University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland, working in the field of holographic optical elements. In 1987, he received his PhD degree in optics. From 1989 to 2001 he was head of the micro-optics research group in Neuchâtel. From 2002 to 2008 he was a full professor and head of the Applied Optics Laboratory at the University of Neuchâtel. Professor Herzig joined the faculty at EPFL in January 2009.
He is member of OSA, IEEE Photonics Society and Fellow of EOS. 2009-2010 he was President of the European Optical Society (EOS), 2001-2009 Vice-President of the Swiss Society of Optics and Microscopy and 2012-2014 Vice-President of ICO. Dr. Herzig is in the editorial board of different scientific journals (JM3, Optical Review, JEOS). He served as Conference Chairman for international conferences of EOS, IEE, IEEE/LEOS, OSA and SPIE; and as Guest Editor of three special issues of IEEE, OSA journals. He is editor of a well-known book on micro-optics (published in English and Chinese), author of 14 book chapters, over 150 peer reviewed articles and 300 conference proceedings.