AR-202(o): Studio BA4 (Verschuere)In the early days of the Anthropocene, the concepts of "Nature and Culture" are being revisited by a number of contemporary thinkers. The studio will take this paradigm shift as an opportunity to addr
HUM-418: Picture history ILe cours propose une introduction à l'histoire, aux formes et aux enjeux des expositions universelles, de 1851 à aujourd'hui, à travers une série de grands thèmes transversaux, dans une approche d'his
HUM-269: History and theory of photographyLe cours propose une introduction à l'histoire de la photographie à travers la présentation de dix notions clés, analysées dans leur développement historique du 19e au 21e siècle.
HUM-239: Psychology of emotionOn s'intéresse ici à nos réactions émotionnelles : comment elles émergent ? Quelles sont les théories du domaine ? Comment elles influencent notre quotidien ? Nous nous pencherons aussi sur les phénom
ENG-633: Supervising Students in ProjectsThe combination of practical and reflective activities in this course provide participants with evidence-informed teaching skills for supervising and evaluating students working on projects.
CS-202: Computer systemsThis course will teach operating systems and networks in an integrated fashion,emphasising the fundamental concepts and techniques that make their interaction possible/practical. Core lectures will be
AR-202(q): Studio BA4 (Assemble)The work this year will investigate how we can imagine, design and demonstrate the ways in which affordable, low-impact housing on small scale agroecological farms could be built.
AR-201(q): Studio BA3 (Assemble)The work this year will investigate how we can imagine, design and demonstrate the ways in which affordable, low-impact housing on small scale agroecological farms could be built.